
    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    At home in Accra

    When Ghanaian-born architect Joe Osae-Addo decided to move back home to Ghana from Los Angeles, he set out to design a space inspired by the striking modern style of his favourite icons - Finland’s Alvar Aalto, Australia’s Glenn Murcutt, and L.A.’s Ray Kappe and apply it in a way that was relevant and suitable in an African context. Through long distance correspondence, he and his fiancee Sarah Asafu-Adjaye designed a space that would stand out among Ghana's typical concrete block houses. The house has a balcony wrapping around it, inspired by both colonial English bungalows and the courtyard plans of rural Ghanaian houses. “There are no internal corridors,” Osae-Addo says, “so rooms extend from one wall to the opposite wall, allowing for free flow of light and air."

    Designed without air conditioning, the house was raised three feet off the ground to take advantage of the cooling under floor breezes. Sliding slatted wood screens throughout the home allow cross ventilation from outdoors and the fans overhead.

    {Photos: Dook for Dwell, Sept '07, text by Frances Anderton, discovered via black white yellow}



    Gorgeous! My husband caught a glimpse of this post and decided he wants our future house like this.


    This house is gorgeous, very creative.


    DB - very cool! :) I really hope you do (and share pictures!)

    Thank you Tereza - hope you're having a lovely afternoon


    Stunning! I love all of the gorgeous wood and that kitchen island is just so cool. Thanks for sharing!


    I've seen pictures of this house online and in magazines long time ago...and to this day it is one of my favorite houses. thanks for sharing!

    Furniture Stores in Los Angeles said...

    Interesting post. You have a lovely home and your gorgeous living space provides inspirations.