
    Monday, May 31, 2010

    Pretty in peony pink

    It's a familiar routine - every year right around this time, once again we fall madly in love with fresh, plush ruffled up peonies. Unabashedly feminine and definitely romantic, these certainly must be the prettiest of flowers. With large, oversized blooms and heady, intoxicating scent they seem to be an extravagance of nature. A bountiful celebration of life and beauty.


     It's no wonder that traditionally they have been symbols of romance and prosperity. In traditional Feng Shui, peonies are said to attract romantic luck. Single girls should place them in their homes to attract romantic love, and married couples can use them to ensure their union remains harmonious and prosperous. To maximize their effect, place them in the south-west corner of your home. When fresh peonies aren't available, paintings or prints of the blooms will have the same effect. Find some beautiful peony photos by Kristy Bee on Etsy.

    Of course, all the romance associated with peonies make them an absolutely perfect choice for weddings. You just need a few blooms to create a beautifully lush and full bouquet - or carry on the theme by using them as the prettiest cake topper.

    No matter how you choose to enjoy them - feel free to get carried away with the romance and feminine indulgence of the prettiest flower of all.


     {Photos: 1,4- Danske on Flickr, 2 - Martha Stewart, 3- Roxycakes}



    Definitely my most favorite flower. What a beautiful post, I can almost smell their lovely sent.


    Love, love, love peonies, and they really are the perfect flower for weddings! I love how romantic they look... so pretty...


    I love peonies!

    and flowers pick themselves said...

    there's something intrinsically heavenly about peonies. these are lovely!

    xo Alison


    Gorgeous gorgeous! Love peonies, beautiful images..


    Hi - there are often pictures of peonies in blogland but these are just something else! They are so so beautiful, delicate and perfect. That cake! Wow. Pretty in pink indeed. Louise x


    oh my! that cake topped by beautiful pink peonies is the most lovely I've seen! have a nice day!


    lovely post. i don't know much about flowers, but when i was choosing flowers for my wedding a few years ago, peonies stood out among all the others for sure. so gorgeous and definitely romantic


    They remind me of little ballerina buns. So sweet and perfectly shaped. Beautiful photos.


    that bouquet is breathtaking, stunning!!

    Elyssa said...

    I love peonies..We have fuschia ones in our garden and they bloomed a few weeks ago!! So gorgeous..


    this is my favorite flower too.
    love all these pictures here. thank you for this beauty. :)

    wish you lovely day.


    Peonies are so perfect for wedding and I love love love them....The cake looks so romantic as well!


    these pictures truly do make my heart melt. i just love peonies - my absolute favorite flower...

    thanks for sharing these, they are beautiful!

    Maria Felix said...

    Oh this post is utter heaven!

    I am getting married and even though I ended up getting a June wedding - which I was originally against because of all the clichés around it - the one thing that has made me feel like I completely lucked out are the peonies!

    My bouquet is going to be full of them (a delicious indulgence) and I just cannot wait to have them in my hands.


    DB - you're completely right, tight little peony buds do look just like ballerina buns :) Just another reason to love them!

    MF - this post was just for you!
    Hope you have the most beautiful wedding day lovely lady!

    So glad so many of you share my affection for peonies. I was greeted by the most beautiful surprise the other day as I came home from work. A beautiful bouquet of soft white peonies (and another by my bedside) - and the best part - they were from my best friend + all time favourite person, my husband.
    Thank you for making my day, I love you.

    LuxuriousLife said...

    I love peonies too!! We were at a friends house last night and they were kind enough to cut us a big pink bouquet off their bush. I am enjoying them this morning with my coffee.


    Pink and peonies - perfect!

    micwedding said...

    totally like these wedding flowers


    I love flowers so much that my favorite flower is always changing. My current favorite is definitely peonies!