
    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    The Bootstrap Project

    When it comes to shopping, nothing gives me more satisfaction than acquiring something beautiful and also supporting a worthwhile cause - be it a  local small business, a bigger firm that is really focused on the quality and artistry of their products, but most especially when the products are fair-trade and support and empower small business owners in developing nations. What's wonderful these days is that you really don't have to compromise your aesthetic tastes to do these things, just pay a little bit more attention.

    I was recently delighted to discover The Bootstrap Project, devoted to creating a sustainable platform to promote and retain centuries-old crafts and customs while providing an outlet for local artisans. While I loved their mission statement, I was equally excited to see their beautiful - and very reasonably priced - product. 

    Here were a few a my favourites, each with a story and a face behind the product.

    Woven baskets and ikat pillows.

    Beautiful wood carved platters.

    Suzani tapestries and ornate wood footstools.



    Great pieces great project


    Wonderful! You should check out Ten Thousand Villages. We have stores in US and Canada. I volunteer with them once a week, and the mission is to promote sustainable employment in developing countries by selling handicrafts!


    So glad to hear you volunteer there! I used to volunteer at one in Colorado when I lived there. I frequently go to the one close to work to stock up on Divine Chocolate (never a more fitting name for a brand!)


    Love the new redesign.

    Love small business!
    And fair trade!
    And craft!


    Thanks SH - it's definitely a work in progress, and much more I'd still like to adjust but... one step at a time!


    I am all for fair trade....great project. I will take some time later when I get home to read up on these as I too love to be able to support a cause that means something other than the almighty dollar.