
    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Bubble series

    I recently was excited to stumble upon the "Bubble series" by photographer Melvin Sokolsky in an older issue of Real Simple. Created for the Harper's Bazaar Spring Collection in 1963, the series depicts model Simone D'Aillencourt floating through the city of Paris in a large plexiglass bubble. I was instantly captivated by the ethereal images of the glamorous model floating around the city as if in a world all of her own. What's quite remarkable is that this was long before the days of photoshop. Melvin is a self-taught photographer, whose talent and creativity were fueled by his passion for the medium. I find his stories and images to be incredibly inspiring.

    "I have always loved telling stories. Early in my career, I found myself compelled to tell stories with my pictures. Stories about people who breathe and feel and suffer and dream. Stories that explore and create different worlds within the world we all live in."

    "Next to my bed I keep a notebook that I write in sometimes while I’m half-awake, early in the morning, when a dream has insinuated a place or world I have never visited or seen. With my eyes closed, I scribble into the notebook and then go back to sleep."

    "I have always been attracted to everything nature has to offer. I cannot think of any plant,
    animal, or creature that inhabits this planet that has not fascinated me."

    "In my life, indulging my vision has brought many surprises that I would have never thought of consciously. It is this chemistry that I believe is the creative force in all of us."

    {All photos: Melvin Sokolsky for Harper's Bazaar, 1963}



    So surreal! I love it! Happy weekend, Stephie x


    I absolutely love d this post and this series of photos. I remember reading about them a couple of months ago thinking what great material for a post! You have beat me to it!


    Really found this article very interesting and the photos too are amazing.