
    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    A bit about Ikat

    The beautiful pillows featured at The Bootstrap Project have had me thinking about Ikat, especially since the site shared a bit of the beautiful, and quite romantic fable behind this striking - and currently oh-so popular print  so I thought I'd share it with you here.

    "Many centuries ago, there was a king with a beautiful daughter. A poor local weaver fell in love with the woman, but the king refused to let them marry. The king joked with the man saying that if he could create a cloth that exceeded in beauty those that came on the Silk Road from China and India, the king would reconsider. The weaver was so upset at the king’s teasing that he spent the night by the side of a lake and cried. Through his tears, he noticed how the full moon on the water created a blurred reflection of the trees, he was inspired! After a night of dyeing and weaving, the weaver presented the cloth to the king, who liked it so much that he allowed the two to marry."

    I love how Australian event designer Antony Todd uses this print in the bedroom to make a bold statement with two long Madeline Weinrib panels behind the headboard. 

     {Story via The Bootstrap Project; Photos: Antony Todd}



    That is an awesome story! I love design with meaning, or at least a fairytale behind it.


    Gorgeous- love ikat against the pink.


    Love ikat !! What a great story !



    What a wonderful story! Probably the most interesting thing I have learnt today


    That is one of the neatest stories I have heard in a wonder its so beautiful...I will never look at it the same way. Love it!

    Liz said...

    Fantastic story, glad I got to read it!


    Looks lovely and I love the story too! Hugs to you, Stephie x


    I love that! I want that lamp and what a cool way to bring in pattern!

    Veronica said...

    Lovely story, and what a unique way to use ikat. Plus, the panels can be easily switched out if you decide to change the room's decor!

    Veronica said...

    Lovely story, and what a unique way to use ikat. Plus, the panels can be easily switched out if you decide to change the room's decor!