
    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    Weekend wishes to you...

    ... a quiet morning with sun streaming through the windows, a bit of reprieve from the busy-ness of the week and a few quiet moments to gather your thoughts, catch up with favourite books and a bit of music, alone with your thoughts and dreams.





    {Apologies for the late posts and delayed replies this week, was a little under the weather + weighted down by a little project I'm looking forward to sharing with all of you soon...}

    Hope you've all had a beautiful weekend!

    *P.S - a reminder - don't forget to enter the Davina + Daniel photography give-away!

    {Photos: Carla Bruni photographed by Barat Sikka}


    Carly G. (heavenly36) said...

    1st time visitor. Love the photos


    oh Carla Bruni, who would have thought :)


    Beautiful blog you've got here, and it would seem that you do enjoy the good life; welcome to the club. :-) Yes, many escapades indeed come to mind here in this wonderful fusion of visuals and text. I'll be back for more!
    All the best,

    Carole said...

    If only my weekends were spent like that. Sigh.


    This looks like a perfect way to spend the weekend. Time alone and a beautiful mess...


    Oh I love the first picture especially.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    xoxo DJ


    Wow, cool images. I'm with Deej, that first one is gorgeous!!

    looking forward to hearing about the project! julesx


    Looove this! Hope you had a great weekend!


    What wonderful photos! Hope you have a great week.

    Splendid Willow said...

    That French President sure has good taste!

    Hope you are not stressing too much. And use good old laughter when things start to get a little tense. I have learned that as a Mom. And it works very time!

    Can't wait to hear about what new, fun you are up to!

    Much fondness, Mon

    I am off to put my name in the hat for your giveaway!

    Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

    Hope you're feeling better! Can't wait to see what new project you have to share with us... How awesome is that balloon in the shadow picture?


    ooh, i love these images, i hope you are feeling better and that your project is going well. :)


    not a fun of Carla, but lovely words..