
    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    Easy, breezy

    We've just enjoyed the sort of holiday weekend that summer dreams are made of - bright blue skies, warm sunshine and that extra day to soak it all in. While now the time has come to scuttle back indoors, I'm dreaming of open, airy spaces that let the warm breezes effortlessly pass through. My favourite way to bring the outdoors in.

    {Photos: 1- via Aubrey Road; 2- Simon Upton for Elle Decor}


    Anonymous said...

    Clos-ette Too has a new contest! Take a picture of your closet and upload it to our Facebook Page by 7/8 to win 2 sets of black shirt hangers and 1 set of pant hangers (A $50 value) from Clos-ette Too!


    Sigh, a breezeway would be amazing right about now.


    love breezy looks. White, white, white is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!


    seems so calming -


    Just adore this calm and relaxing look...beautiful!!

    classiq said...

    I love airy spaces like these ones. And that vintage cabinet in the 2nd photo is beautiful! :)

    mydeco said...

    bright and fresh white walls work well with browns and subtle touches of green thanks for this post!