
    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Inspiration for the new week 27.6.11

    How is it the end of June already? I feel this month has flown by at a ferocious pace and the hectic schedule has left me feeling a little discombobulated. Starting to slowly climb back on track, and finding comfort in the fact that whatever point you're at, it's never too late for a fresh start.

    Happy Monday!

    {Photo: Paul Costello for Domino magazine}



    Tiffany Blue is my favorite color! Thanks for this!


    Cheers!... to dat.


    time is just FLYING by - i don't know where it goes - i remember being a kid in the summer being BORED out of my mind, and couldn't wait for school to start - NOW?! i can't believe it's JUNE nevermind almost JULY!

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika at ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

    LAST DAY Bloggers to stop by and enter~Light as a Feather necklace GIVEAWAY~ it’s an almost $50 value!


    lovely photo. sorry, we didn't get a chance to catch up at the blogger meetup!


    I can't agree more. We need to teach this to young people more. I love quotes like this.

    Cheers! Rambles with Reese

    Alissa said...

    thanks for sharing! my inspiration has been some of stephanie hirsch's work. you can view them here if you like:

    hope you enjoy my inspiration of the week!

    mydeco said...

    Very true, the blue door looks great and the rug looks even better!