
    Showing newest 11 of 33 posts from 12/1/09 - 1/1/10. Show older posts
    Showing newest 11 of 33 posts from 12/1/09 - 1/1/10. Show older posts

    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    ... and a Happy New Year!

    Such an exciting time - to pause, reflect on the past year
    and look forward to a fresh new start.
    {and celebrate with a champagne toast!}

    I have to say a very big thank you to all of you - for stopping by, leaving a comment, sharing your thoughts, ideas and so much inspiration, I really appreciate it! Starting this blog has been such a wonderful adventure and you've all made it so much fun.
    Very excited about the year ahead - some changes ahead that I hope you'll like and always so many beautiful things to discover...

    Wishing you the very best for the coming year!


    Paris in the snow

    I love Paris in the springtime,
    I love Paris in the snow...

    Completely smitten with these dreamy images of a snow covered Paris magically transformed into a winter wonderland, taken by Alix, The Cherry Blossom Girl, who always inspires me (and makes me jealous :) ) with her French fashion savvy and dreamy photography.
    Take a few moments to enjoy a little snow covered bliss...

    ... sending you some New Year's magic!

    {Allphotos: TheCherryBlossomGirl}
    Daniella from Dress, Design, Decor also posted on this beautiful set, see her favourites here.

    Tuesday, December 29, 2009

    The relaxed sophisticate: Kate Walsh house tour

    I'd love to escape to an open airy space with lots of lounging opportunities - the perfect spot to unwind and enjoy some post holiday down time. Kate Walsh's Spanish style home captured me instantly with its large arched windows, soft neutral palette and plush, comfy textures. After realising how in love with her character's home from Private Practice, Kate enlisted the help of set decorator Melissa Levander to bring the same relaxed, sophisticated style to her home.

    Clean lines and open space keep this place light and airy.

    One of my favourite pieces in her home is this dramatic dining table - it's simple gold lines, thick glass top and unconventional square shape with a round base, make it a show piece.

    I had to include this photo of Kate - her soft champagne and white Marchesa gown is the perfect compliment to her decor - relaxed yet sophisticated, soft and simple yet intricately detailed.

    Of course, what girl doesn't dream of the perfect en suite? - beautiful mosaic tiles from Bisazza, a chunky lucite console and the perfect soaker tub with a view, I think this fits the bill...

    Of course, I've saved the best for last with Kate's glamorous yet soothing bedroom suite. The emphasis here is clearly on comfort - plush, welcoming textures - from the faux throws to the shag carpets. There are beautiful, artful details are in every corner - the large painting above the sofa is by her brother Joseph. I love the idea of filling your space with art works by friends and loved ones, makes beautiful art that much more special. Another favourite piece in the room? The oversized agate lamp base by her bedside - just exquisite, and surely proof that nature creates the greatest art of all...

    {All photos: Francoise Halard for InStyle magazine, November '09, via AriannaBelle}

    Sunday, December 27, 2009

    Monday Moody Blues

    Searching for a little quiet solace after the excitement of the holidays. Stylist Christine Rudolph's moody nostalgic images in blue are the perfect calm retreat from all the holiday blitz.

    Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday weekend!

    {Photos: Stylist Christine Rudolph via Judith Miller Inc., discovered at Beauty Comma}

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Joyeux Noël

    Signing off for a bit to enjoy some time off and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
    Wishing you holidays filled with laughter, excitement, food, friends, family and a little bit of magic.

    Happy Christmas everyone!

    {Photos:1- viaQuenchantoftheCurious, 2- viaClassy&Glamorous, 3-RyanSchudeonFlickr via , 4- MarthaStewart, 5- Mini Anden for Swedish Elle via Everythinginmyhead via AGlamorousLittleSideProject}

    Wednesday, December 23, 2009

    A Swedish Christmas in Black and White

    My favourite colour combination is no secret, combined in the style of the country that in my opinion, does Christmas best. The result - clean, serene yet still a sophisticated glamorous touch. All set and ready for the holiday festivities.

    Speaking of which... I'm off to join the mad shoppers to grab a few last gifts
    and everything we need to celebrate at home...

    {All photos: SkonaHem}

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Romantic whites

    Amidst the parade of colour and dazzling lights at this time of year, I'm craving a solitude in romantic whites and neutrals. The perfect holiday oasis to cuddle up and relax after the blitz of holiday parties...

    With gilded gold details, sparkling clear crystal and plush white, it still has just the right amount of glamour to make it festive and special for the holidays.

    Antiques and small nostalgic details are always perfect for the holiday season - the tradition and sense of history associated with this period are such a big part of it's allure.

    Soft romantic ruffles against natural wood tones. Glimpses of gold against white.
    All is calm, all is bright...

    {Photos: AnnaKern}

    Pretty red ribbons...

    A little stuck or uninspired with holiday decorating or gift wrapping?

    A little cheery red ribbon is all you need ...

    How are you all doing with your holiday shopping? All finished?

    {Photos: 1- Martha Stewart, 2- Craig and Whitney discovered via Beauty Comma}

    Saturday, December 19, 2009

    A golden glow...

    While the days may still be getting shorter and darker, everywhere you look the whole world seems to be basked in a golden glow. From the warm little embers of twinkling holiday lights adorning homes to the little bubbles of sparkling light coming through champagne flutes, and
    of course - candles, candles everywhere - nothing seems more inviting on a cold night than
    a warm golden glow.

    Very warmest wishes to you - wherever you find yourself,

    hope your heart is filled with the hope and joy of the season! Hope you find yourself in moments where you're surprised by unexpected thoughtfulness, unwinding and laughing till your cheeks glow with old friends and new, sharing a delicious meal by candlelight and reaching out to capture the warmth and love that surrounds you.

    {Photos: 1- Tumblr via SimplySeductive, 2- viaHerNamewasLola, 3- viaThisisGlamorous}

    'The Holiday' party

    I've already mentioned my fondness for 'The Holiday', if I had a choice of somewhere to cozy up over the holidays it would be Iris' quaint little English cottage, however, if I could choose to have a holiday party somewhere, it would be Amanda's open and airy home in LA. The holiday parties synonimous with the season, are one of my favourite parts - that chance to get together, celebrate life to its fullest. One of the things I always looked forward to the most growing up was the big party my parents would throw every year. Almost two hundred people would gather together to eat delicious treats and sing carols. Our house was a hub of activity and I always found it so exciting.

    One of the best things about the holidays in a warmer climate is the ease between indoor and outdoor entertaining. Amanda's gorgeous Spanish style home fits the bill perfectly - I can just imagine filling the space - especially outdoors - with lots of lanterns and candles to give the whole place a beautiful glow.

    I love the simple, unfussy decor throughout the home - however, in my opinion, it could use a little extra sparkle - a Christmas tree and some twinkling white lights would do just the trick...

    I love that the space is so open, yet there are lots of little areas for people to have their own private conversations and interactions.

    I think the oversized entrance hall would be a lovely place for the tree, or even a great place to set up a little mini bar to greet everyone and offer them a festive drink as soon as they come in. (Or maybe keep it open, and who knows - by the end of the night it could become a make-shift dance floor.)

    At my party (at Amanda's house), this whole dining table would be spread with delicious snacks - with other little stations set up throughout as well.

    Unfortunately, at the end of the night even the greatest parties must come to an end but you'll have a calm oasis to retreat to (if you've seen the movie you may remember it even comes complete with automatic black out blinds, in case you're feeling a little less fresh the next morning...) And of course, it couldn't be my pick without a beautiful bath tub - to lie back and set adift on memories of holiday bliss from the night before...

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    'Tis the season to...


    ... yep, that's the plan.
    A string a fun holiday parties lined up and really wishing I could arrive wearing this...

    gold + gems + one big bright blossom = a fun start to a sparkling night

    Hope you've been enjoying lots of holiday fun!!

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