
    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    At home: Jacqui Getty

    This past week seemed to just fly by in a flurry of weekend getaways, overseas house guests and explorations around our own city. In the midst of it all, I've continued been perusing all kinds of design magazines and favourite blogs looking for inspiration. Sometimes when you're surrounded by beautiful design, you reach a point of feeling a little jaded, or that you've almost seen it all, and become a pretty difficult customer to please. If you're lucky though, sooner or later you'll come across a space that just feels refreshing and gets your creative juices flowing again.

     Jacqui Getty's Hollywood home was just that space for me. Classic, elegant furnishings and shots of bright magenta and fuchsia - one of my very favourite colours - as accents throughout the space. What really makes the space come alive are all the personal touches and personal photographs throughout. It makes the space feel like it's filled with happy memories and lots of personality. I'd been staring rather blankly at the different corners of my own home, knowing it needed a little (or alot) of refreshing, but not quite sure where to start, this home got me feeling inspired again. I can't wait to put some of these ideas into action! 

    The Mediterranean style home was a gift to Jacqui from Francis Ford Coppola, who is her daughter Gia's grandfather.

     I love how plush and comfortable this outdoor lounge is, surrounded by thick greenery it's the perfect spot to entertain late into the night.

    A simple white cork board, overflowing with inspiration and happy memories. I love the casually leaned frames below (can you spot Sofia Coppola?)

    Blue and white willow dinnerware - a girl after my own heart! I love the casual cottage feeling in this kitchen, it seems like the type of corner you could spend hours chatting into the night over a cup of coffee with a good friend.

    One of a kind hand painted butterfly glasses by Ted Muehling.

    One of the home's most enviable traits is its impressive art collection, an original Jackson Pollock and Basquiat are mixed with the beautiful collection of personal photos.

    Pretty jewel toned dishes filled with glamorous little baubles on the night stand.



    Green with envy. I would love to call this place my home.


    Wow! What an incredible home!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful week. Hope all is well with you!


    Amber - then consider me green as well!

    DB - thank you so much! Hope you are well and having a lovely week too!

    Jordana @ White Cabana said...

    Flowers in every room - I just LOVE that!


    oh! real pollock above the bed..