
    Friday, September 23, 2011

    Back to School favourites from Cambie Design

    Excited to have Camille from Cambie Design back to share some Back to School Favourites - I was especially happy to see she chose Pride and Prejudice as one of her favourite reads - I have an old cloth covered copy that had been used at my school in the 1950s and I used to re-read every year. Perhaps this was a little reminder to bring that tradition back? 

    Even though it has been many years since I have been back to school, I can't help but be reminded every September of the opportunity for a fresh start. Although I am a few weeks late (September has been a complete whirlwind!), I thought I would share an outfit I know I would have embraced if I were still in college. Inspired by the back to school look, I have selected a few pieces that would happily compliment any home or office space.

    A cozy sweater dress and chic boots to get you ready for fall.

    A vintage walnut desk with a ton of storage to keep yourself organized.

    The  of all of your favourite reads.

    vintage typewriter for a pop of colour and to give your iPad a rest (why not surprise your loved ones with a thoughtfully typed note?).



    Wonderful Fall finds! I remember typing on a type writer and always being frustrated. But I was seven and probably always frustrated with school. They sound much more romantic now.


    funky colorful vintage.
    it hits the sweet spot!


    Haha - I like the mental image of a little 7 year old DB typing away - very cute! You should give it another shot!

    Definitely Renee - hope you had a lovely weekend.


    Someone please buy me said typewriter.
    I'll be good to it. I promise.

    Nice collection