
    Saturday, July 10, 2010

    Happy (hot summer) weekend

    Finally a cool summer breeze is a welcome relief from all the humidity and I can resume my plan to live outdoors all weekend long. Here are some places to go, and things to see this weekend:

    Be sure to bookmark ! A fantastic new online mag on it's way -the Rue.
    Get a sense of what's in store by visiting the four fabulous ladies behind it - Crystal, Anne, Alaina and Caitlin.

    Make this weekend - a decadent milkshake

    Enjoy being a girl - macarons and make-up

     A peak inside Milan Design week

    + dont forget to enter the pillow give-away!

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone! 

    {Photo via desde my ventana}


    adele {modernemotive} said...

    I would love to be laying on that makeshift bed right now. With a book and nibbles perhaps. Oh and a beer of course.


    You are like the blogger's news source. I am so excited for Rue! Have an awesome weekend.


    ooh love this photo, wish i was under there!


    perfect summer spot, I love to create such environments in the garden


    Adele - that sounds like a perfect summer Sunday :)

    DB - haha, thank you! Definitely watch out for it, no doubt it will be fantastic :)

    Francine - yes, definitely us a dream of mine to comfortably live outdoors as much as possible. I think it's partly from being spoilt growing up in a warmer climate.


    Aw thanks for the link love! Hope you're having a great weekend :) Great photo too...


    Yeah I want that bed! Cute cute cute:-)

    P.S. LOVE your blog! First time and I'm sure I'll be back


    Oh yes! I could park here and not move for the weekend! Gorgeous!

    Thanks for all the great links and lovely weekend wishes.

    Hope you are enjoying a fab time in the cool breeze.

    xx Charlotta


    Exactly where I would like to be this morning with a mimosa and my book.


    Have a great weekend too sweets! I'll be staying cool inside doing some painting on the house! :)



    How relaxing:) I love that:) Kisses sweetie


    Milan Design week peak... I would not want the weekend to end!


    hope you had a great wkend


    this is like seeing my summer dreams come true :)