
    Thursday, June 3, 2010


    I think my next move may just have to be to Sweden - how is it that they seem to have a corner on the market for all beautiful apartments? It hardly seems fair to the other real estate listings. Soaring ceilings, beautifully ornate moldings and the fireplace that had me at hello. How do you say "I'll take it!" in Swedish?



    So pretty! I'm definitely jealous!


    what beautiful details! i live in Los Angeles, which is lacking in lovely touches as you see here.
    xox alison

    a perfect gray said...

    excuse me...that watery gray wall...that gray sofa...YES!


    Ohh to move to a cozy simple apartment like this in's definitely the dream :)


    Mme Frou-Frou - as much as I also love the modern design of Los Angeles and the 'newer' cities of North America, I'm always so drawn to the classic architectural details of Europe...

    Christa, Perfect Grey + Lillian - isn't it just dreamy. Love the pale shade of the wall against the white molding and that modern bubble chandelier against the traditional fireplace.

    Shannon Echlin said...

    I've been there. It's like heaven!


    they do have the most perfect fireplaces don't they?!! and this one is a goody!


    So pretty. Love that colors. :)))
    Thank you and have a great weekend.


    Splendid Willow said...

    "Jag tar den". Or "Den aer min!"

    (I take it) or (That one is mine!)

    When I get a second home in Sweden, I will let you use the key. On the other hand I might not get rid of you... (:

    Happy weekend, dear friend.


    Julia said...

    Haha, I'm from Stockholm, Sweden! :) I know it's kind of silly but every time you put up something "swedish" in this blog, I'm so happy :) In Sweden we think our only reputation is about good looking girls, haha. So this is really great! :D Thanks for a great blog, often makes my day :)
    Greetings from the "princess - wedding - celebrating" Stockholm!

    PS. Jag tar den! (I take it!)


    That fireplace is to die for. Seriously, I die!
    P.S. Is that you with the elephant in the photo?!? Simply amazing.