
    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    A thatched playhouse

    When I saw this photo on Daniella's blog just recently, so many memories came flooding back. We used to have a playhouse (or Wendy house, as they were called) very similar to this growing up and I have so many fond memories of playing inside and the unmistakable scent of smokey thatch (anyone else who grew up in Africa will know exactly what I'm talking about). I definitely didn't appreciate my mum's amazing creativity and the beautiful spaces she created for us as children at the time.

    To my mum - thank you for all the care you put into  these little details that made our childhood so magical!

    {Photo: Cote Ouest & Maison & Decor Sept 2007, posted by garden rooms via dress, design, decor}



    That is so sweet....Your mom sounds like such a creative and loving person...That house is so cute...Its wonderful that you had something like that....:)
    Kisses and have a great day,my dear:)

    ps: I am hosting a really cute GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)
    I think you will really like it


    Looks so fun!!!


    Diana - you're right she definitely is. I do feel lucky to have her!
    + Tamara - yes it definitely was alot of fun :)



    What an amazing childhood memory!! And so sweet of you to share it with us. That picture is perfect and does in fact recall some lovely memories.


    Isn't it amazing how an image, a sound, a smell can bring back so many emotions? It is always a wonderful experience to be reminded of the special things we experience in our lives.

    That play house is very special, and you were very lucky to have had something so special.




    How dreamy! Although I'm grown, I would still love to have such a whimsical "playhouse" too run to. *Swoon*.



    What a pretty playhouse... and it's so wonderful that you had a similar one to play in as a child. How magical!


    Love it! Reminds me of ours when we were little!

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