
    Tuesday, June 30, 2009

    White pop!

    I've long been an addict of all white interiors, just yesterday at my bridal shower I was teased by friends about my long-standing all white towels and sheets rule (it was a tip I picked up from a very stylish Aunt). All white and neutral can sometime edge towards boring after a while though, so to liven things up I love a shot of bright colour. My living room currently follows this theme - all white sofa with black accents and a bright, colourful wool blanket brought back from Peru by a friend. It always makes me feel happy and refreshed.

    {Photos: ThisIsGlamorous, LivingEtc, SimplyHue, MoreWaystoWastetime, ThisIsGlamorous, MarieClaireMaison, LiliDiallo}



    That's interesting. I love color, but insist on white sheets and towels-with a fabulous monogram in color though.


    I adore those pops of color in the 3rd image! love vibrant colors, but they come and go. neutrals have always a special place in my heart. xo


    These are striking- I never knew white could be so beautiful. I would be scared of getting things dirty though. How do you keep it clean?


    Love all these photos - I need to talk my husband into painting all our walls white...


    love the tables in the first pic. mirrors.. yes please!


    i'm with you on trying to add some elements of color. for a long time i wore black, brown and greys alot until my son piped up and suggested i get with it and wear a little color, which i do now. in these spaces, i love that white kitchen with the white chairs and navy cusions and the pretty reddish bench seat behind. so pretty. fun post!

    Anne @ The City Sage said...

    That last one is KILLING me! I adore that sofa, those pillows, every last little detail! I love me some white and black with pops of sophisticated color!


    I'm a big fan of white too - I used to think it was because I was scared of color commitment, but it turns out I love white because it's such a great backdrop. I can't stand cluttered looking spaces, and if you start with a uniform background, you can mix up the details a lot and still look clean. Love these.


    You and I are design twins. I just need to get that white sofa . . . We have all white towels and linens at ours too I broke down and got some striped linens but have yet to break them out. :)


    Kristen - I always find bleach covers a multitude of sins! :) (and white is the only colour you can do this with ;) )

    Right Bank/design twin - I also happen to be a huge fan of stripes, I say- break them out!

    Amanda~Weekend Host said...

    This is a look that I love as well. It's really fresh and can be adjusted at anytime.


    I love white with pops of color! I'm especially loving that first image -very beautiful.


    Thank you for finding these pictures! I love white but was never comfortable with the all white room. White with POP! It is so crisp and clean but not boring!


    I am laughing right now :) I am convinced that you and I are connected, for I just created a "White Living" post...I kid you not! Image 07 is my very favorite - it's so gorgeous!


    i do love how all white interiors showcases colors so well. i especially like the image of the mismatched colorful chairs.


    I LOVE all white with pops of color. It's my go-to design scheme. But when we got dogs, that sort of went out the window. Now I have my bathroom and kitchen in the all-white theme, with pops of color, because the dogs aren't allowed in there!


    SK - I often think of that when I see your blog too!
    DoC - I liked them too, they're fun and playful! and it would be so easy to do with any chairs for a big statement.
    Lil Bee - I totally agree- it's my favourite palette, all white is perfect for bathrooms and kitchens too, so that's good. I still have white sofas... Javier isn't allowed on them :(

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