
    Monday, June 15, 2009

    Bonne fête!

    There's something so delightful about a bouquet of balloons - they put a smile on my face every time...

    I hope they made you happy today too!

    {For Andrew, Happy Birthday! You make me smile everyday}

    {OnceWed, Flickr both via CupofJo, DecoDetective}



    I usually only love the huge spherical balloons but I'm thinking I could live in the 3rd picture!


    i'd love to be sitting in that chair in the bottom photo! how fun. :)


    Happy Birthday to him! Hope he has a fantastic day!
    *Also, I have tagged you to come up with 6 uninteresting things that you love! I just posted mine up if you would like to see / I can't wait to see your picks~


    These make me so happy - remember the LV ads from a few years back - in front of the Eiffel tower with balloons? I need to find those pictures again - so beautiful.


    Great pictures! Thanks for making me smile!


    Amy - I'm glad it did!
    SF - we'll have to go on a mission to find those photos!
    Sarah - Thank you for the birthday greeting, I will pass it on! Thanks for tagging me - I'll do my best to come up with something uninteresting!


    Thanks for the mention! Oh, and I know why we love balloons - they make us look up into the sky =)