
    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Inspiration for the new week 11.4.11

    {Photo: Keegan Gibbs}



    That's really sweet.

    Although I disagree with the quote, I think the more we know, the more creative and imaginative we can be.


    Leave it to Anne- very sweet!


    So true!

    And more importantly, anytime you think you have it all figured out... that's when something crazy happens and leaves you running to catch up anyways :)

    Happy Monday!


    So agree with this..part of what keeps our quest for living and life is our ability to learn, absorb and cultivate each and every one of our senses. I love learning and as I grow older (and wiser) I realize how much of everything there is yet to keeps the journey of living an exctiing one!


    My favorite! You have no clue how much I love Anne with an E. Such a great quote.


    Wallflower - you are right about greater knowledge opening up a whole world of possibilities!

    SH - I know this all too well! Expect the unexpected!

    EH - you're so right, if it weren't for surprises our journey would be a rather boring one wouldn't it?

    DB - I just love that you called her Ann with an E. I just love her gumption and outlook on life. Such a wonderful, wonderful series!


    Anne was one of my favourite 'philosophers' I loved all the books.

    Angela Steyn said...

    I adore this! Being an Anne of Green Gables fan from way back, its the perfect sentiment to begin the week.

    Angela x
    Wicker & Stitch


    Well said. I love Ann of Green Gables and i love the image in this post! Hugs, Stephie x


    Great quote!


    That Anne was a smart one, wasn't she? Thanks for reminding me to dig out my dusty copy from childhood!