
    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Springtime in Southern Africa

    Today is actually my birthday, in my very biased opinion, the very best day in the whole year, so I thought I'd share something a little more personal today. While I've completely fallen in love with the changing in seasons and the incredible energy and exquisite beauty of Spring here in the northern hemisphere, the other day I was thinking back on what Spring was like growing up in Zimbabwe. In this idyllic warmer, the seasons can almost seem to blend together as one blissful never-ending summer, but if you pay attention, each season really is quite distinctive and carries something completely magical. 

    While it's often not even recognized as such, Spring in Southern Africa falls in September and lasts until the rains come in early November. During this period, the landscape is magically by soft shades of  lavender and lilac on the jacaranda trees that line most of the streets downtown. Escaping the heat often means ducking under the cover of a purple floral haze.

    And then, when the thunderstorms finally arrive - purple snow - (as we used the call it) and the ground is carpeted with soft blossoms, that signal the official beginning of Summer.

    Writing this blog really has been such a wonderful adventure and I'm so grateful for all the unexpected friendships and amazing wealth of inspiration I've found in this online community. Thank you all for brightening up so many moments over the past year with your kind comments, it really does mean alot. As I begin my thirtieth year, I have a sneaking suspicion that this just might be the best one yet.

    Here's wishing you a beautiful day wherever this finds you!


    {Photos: 1,2 - here; 3 - dzimba}



    Happy Birthday! I do hope that you have a wonderful day! I too am getting used to spring in the Northern Hemisphere, as I am from Australia originally, which does share a similiar climate to Southern Africa. Like Southern Africa, the jacaranda tree is common, and during spring as you say the landscape is filled with these wonderful trees in bloom!


    David - I love that we have this in common! Would love to visit Australia someday, actually have so many Zimbabwean friends there who've felt so at home. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, hope you have a lovely day too! xo


    Happy Birthday Gorgeous! breathtaking pictures, thanks for sharing your memories! Here's wishing you the loveliest of days! With love from, Sharon Mwah, xoxoxo


    Happy Birthday to you!!!

    Wow, purple rain :), i think i would walk down this street, only to walk back, and then do it all over again... SO beautiful!!

    Northern Light

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    Wow..these pictures are pure magic. They look almost too beautiful to be real..absolute perfection. Thanks for sharing.


    Ah these are just magical- happy happy birthday!!!


    Happy, happy birthday, dearest Shar! I just adore the photos. As you know I have a special place in my heart for Africa and as for Southern Africa - could the landscape be any more gorgeous? . Maybe that's where we can have our future meet up!!! I hope you have the most fabulous birthday ever. xo

    Andrew said...

    You know I dont usually comment, but, Happy Birthday Shar!, again xx


    Happy birthday!

    I had no idea about South Africa- it's so gorgeous!!

    Summer said...

    I remember discovering Jacaranda trees in San Francisco. They are so fabulous. The first photo you posted is 2die4. It brings back memories of these beautiful trees. You should PhotoShop it and create a greeting card with it. Just wonderful! I cannot imagine living in Zimbabwe. Happy 30th. Enjoy your year to the fullest. I remember being 30 and wish I could return there. Time goes by too fast. Capture every moment.
    Summer for Swede


    Happy Freakin Birthday! You just singlehandedly made me fall in love with Zimbabwe. So beautiful!


    Happy birthday!!
    I love the pictures and the gorgeous colors !!


    jacaranda trees are my favorite tree because they remind me of this time of year! the bottom image is the sculpture garden at UCLA, and the trees always bloom right during finals week - reminding me of studying as well as that exciting feeling of summer coming!

    Atelier Turner said...

    Happy, Happy Birthday Sharalee! I hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever..filled with all things beautiful. Welcome to the 30s!


    Oh my! Lilac is my absolute favourite colour and this just sounds so enchanting and beautiful! Thanks for sharing this lovely post - and hope you had an amazing birthday!!



    This is just soo beautiful! Have memories of walking under the fallen jacaranda flowers in the school yard as a little girl and hearing them pop. Brings a smile to my face! :)


    And happy birthday!!! xoxo


    Happy birthday! I love jacaranda trees too - they are so beautiful and I love the purple carpet they create when the flowers fall to the ground.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Stephie x


    Oh thank you all so much for the birthday wishes - it really has been an especially special one! + these make it even better!
    xo xo xo