
    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Orange crush

     I've never really considered myself much of an 'orange person', it always seemed to conjure up ghastly images of drab airplane upholstery and shag rugs from the 70's. Lately though, I've found myself constantly coming back to rich saturated tones of tangerine. There just seems to be a great feeling of warmth and energy and bit of an edgy cool feeling that you don't find with other colours. I've been having fun mixing in little pops of bright colour around the house - sometimes I feel it's actually stronger in small doses.  
    I'd love to know - what's your favourite bright colour at the moment?

     {Photos: 1 - Lucas Allen for Real Simple; Necklace - Elva Fields; Votive - Glassybaby; Dress - ASOS;
    Rug - Dwell Studio; Pillow - Fabricadabra; Bicycle - Public Bikes}



    I'm loving orange lately too and even posted on coral today! Hope you're having a great day! Kori xoxo


    Now the sun is shining again, I'm drawn to bright and warm colors like this shade of orange or with even more yellow in it. But you're so right.. small doses can do wonders!


    Mine is always pink but I do enjoy a little tangerine here and there- I have an orange velvet chair in my living room and it's one of my favourite pieces.


    What a fun coincidence Kori - I'll have to check it out!

    Eleni - there's something about a little sunshine that always perks things back up, isn't there?

    Christine that sounds gorgeous, as I'm sure it is your lovely home! Always enjoy looking at your photos.


    Love that orange, and I'm totally into lime green and grey right now.


    we're on the same mood! today I posted about my current obsession with orange! xo


    You are not the only one crushing on orange, me too! I love fresh and happy and adds so much life to a room.


    Lime green + grey - I hadn't even really though of that combination Sarah - but now you've sent my imagination tumbling!

    Caroline - completely on the same page! Great minds...

    Enchanted Home - I feel just the same, the colour has such a vibrant, happy energy to it!


    Orange is lovely, but I'm really coveting yellow and gold right now! xo


    Orange is such an energizing color, absolutely love it.
    Congratulations on this beautiful post.
    Hugs from Brasil


    I love a good orange! I feel like it doesn't get enough credit!

    Edwina@FASHION+ART said...

    I've always loved rich mustard and hot magenta. Sometimes together.


    sunny post!