
    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Hello Autumn!

    As much as I've tried to resist it, it's becoming increasingly apparent that autumn is on it's way - the nights are a little bit cooler, there's a bit of a chill in the air, and here and there I'm starting to see tiny bursts of orange. I have to admit, autumn is one of my favourite seasons - I love the cloudy skies and the gorgeous fanfare of colour in the falling leaves, fresh bouquets of new pencils and stationery, baskets of apples and books, books, books!
    Now I'm just searching for the perfect cozy spot to enjoy it all!

    {Photos:JCrew, Flickr, Unknown}



    Love the plaid Wellies.

    Maria Felix said...

    I want the mustard dress and blue coat. Very wicked.


    I even have my new wellies on for today! lol... I love fall too.. and now I kind of want 20 sharpened pencils as well... great post!


    SR - I have yellow plaid ones - nice and cheery for splashing around in the rain!
    MF - perfect, then I'll wear the red coat and we'll hit the town together (to buy pencils and drink apple cider)
    Daniella - thank you! I was wearing mine just earlier walking with Javier. I should send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened yellow pencils :)


    i need some plaid rain boots like those! too cute.

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