
    Tuesday, September 29, 2009

    A Marie Antoinette inspired tea party

    A recent historical discussion/debate on Marie Antoinette's infamous 'let them eat cake' quote got me thinking about one of my favourite Marie-inspired editorials.

    I love the dramatic dark wall and gorgeous harvest table laden with all of autumn's finest. (I do not, however, love that rooster - I have a phobia of these vicious, evil creatures.)

    A glamourous tea party al fresco - I love how perfectly the elegant, black
    Great Dane blends with the ensemble.

    The perfect end to every tea party - nothing could be more heavenly than a little harp music!

    {I miss Domino!

    {Photographer: DitteIsager for DominoMagazine}



    "Vicious, evil creatures", LOL... you are too funny. Love this post. That last room is one of my favourites!!! I haven't seen it with models in the room though...


    I always love your blog, but your posts are on fire lately!!! Particularly love the book post and the "You've Got Mail" Post. Actually, they are all fab! Keep them coming and come visit me at



    Thanks Daniella - that room has always been one of my favourites too - the mirror, the glass door, where do I begin?
    Lauren - thank you so much for such a lovely comment! You completely made my day x

    Maria Felix said...

    I love this post! You know why~

    Naptress said...

    What issue of Domino did this editorial come from?...luv your blog!!!