
    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    Feeling bookish...

    One of my very favourite things about the Autumn weather is the opportunity to sit back, snuggle in and get cozy with a good book. I have to admit, lately I haven't been the avid reader I once was - sometimes it's too easy to get caught up in the flurry of it all - so I'm looking forward to the chance to get back to a favourite pasttime.
    This photo reminded me of hours spent on the library floor pouring over poetry by Anais Nin or Alice Walker, escaping the world (and my studies!) in my safe cocoon between the stacks of books.

    I consider my books to be my friends and have been known to become quite attached to my favourite ones (my treasured vintage copy of Pride and Prejudice). I love having them close by to refer to when faced with an existential crisis or just a comfortable escape. I dream of always having one more great book to read, and an old favourite on hand.

    Once that has been achieved, all that's left to do is to find the perfect spot - comfy seating, tea in hand, and we're set for the best of afternoons. (I hope it rains!)

    Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

    What are you reading at the moment? Any good suggestions?

    {Photos:KateSpade, JCrew, Unknown, MelanieAcevedo}



    i consider books to be a sort of security blanket, as long as i have them around i feel a little better.
    i too have been out of reading for a bit which makes me sad:(


    So funny! I was thinking the other night, how did I get into 3 books at the same time? lol... I love reading a good book!


    I was just working on a post about books too! That third photo is one of my faves!


    I LOVE that spiral staircase. When I was little I used to draw out floor plans for the home I'd build one day and the foyer was always a library...ok, so I still kind of want that :)


    the staircase is beautiful! you read my mind. autum is completley the coziest season to read!!!


    Gorgeous photos. I just picked up The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe - very entertaining thus far, and This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which I have not yet started. I'm excited to be transported back to the 1920s though. Escapism at its finest.

    I too have an antique edition of P&P that is near and dear to me. It was published in 1907, and I bought in Bath, England at the Jane Austen Center. It's a personal treasure.


    The stair case and the last photo are great. I am reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It is for a book club. Not to sure about it.


    I love the book, BAREFOOT.

    Just found your lovely blog!!!
    Have a great weekend ~~

    xo Laura


    There's nothing like getting lost in a great read, especially with a cozy blanket and tea...I hope you have a lovely weekend :)


    I just finished reading The American Wife, which I thought I wouldn't like, but couldn't put down. It was one of those things where you're sad its over? Now I'm on to David Sedaris, Naked, he's always hilarious. Do you have any great book suggestions?


    I am enjoying a bunch of new interior design books-so many new ones out-have a great weekend.


    This is such a wonderful post, filled with the most extraordinary literary-inspired photos! I just love it.



    I have a major problem with buying books 3 or 4 at a time and never getting around to reading them. I think I probably was an English major only because that meant I got to buy more books b/c I am certainly not using my degree now.

    My goal for the fall is to work through that stack... Wish me luck!

    I am currently reading Supreme Courtship by William Buckley.


    Wow - thank you all for such brilliant suggestions. Can't wait to go and investigate these...
    Alaina - so glad to hear you share my passion for Jane Austen. What a treasure you have - and even from Bath - lovely!
    Elizabeth - I think a library foyer sounds like the perfect heart of the home. I hope you get to build your dream-house.
    Cinnamon - we were just talking about book suggestions, goodness there are so many. One that stands out would be A Thousand Splendid Suns - it literally had me in tears on the plane!
    Secret Agent T - sounds like a great pick, good luck!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! xx