
    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Orange + happy: Hermès + Clicquot

    These days it's hard to escape the bursts of orange here and there. With the signature deep Hermès orange to the bright, happy labels of on the Veuve Clicquot bottles, it seems that perhaps this season, happiness just requires the right shade of orange. Maybe a simple accessory, a dress, a coat of paint or the perfect coat is all it takes to set you off in the right direction. Go ahead and get that Hermès box - and just say you're being festive.

    {Photos:Unknown, SaraStory, NewYorkTimes, LovelyVelo}



    Absolutely gorgeous!


    All about orange! love these pics!


    love it! love Hermès orange! xo


    I love the bicycle photo! Fall's the best time to ride :)


    i have a pair of orange suede tory burch flats - they're perfect for fall. and it's super chilly here in chicago today. guess it's time to pull 'em out!

    i love the photo of hermes boxes. sigh.


    I love the color orange, and would love to have an orange Hermes box in my possession.

    Erin said...

    Orange is and has been my favorite color for a bit now (it's funny cause I used to DESPISE it!)

    manvi@mochatini said...

    love this post. orange is my sept-oct color crush. i did a diwali (indian holiday) decor post inspired by orange. take a look when you get a chance.


    LOVE the Orange boxes....

    xo Laura


    wow, i love all these, but especially that shade in the second picture, might try and copy that with a stencil! thanks for the inspiration!


    Great pics! Orange is such a fantastic color -- I really like that ad, as well -- it's super pretty :)