
    Saturday, September 12, 2009

    Under the Tuscan Sun...

    At the prospect of soaking up the last of the summer sun, I tried to think of the perfect venue to relax, unwind and live outdoors all weekend long. I couldn't think of anything better than a lovely weekend in Tuscany, with long, languid summer afternoons by the pool spilling into late evenings spent dining al fresco and laughing over a bottle of wine,
    talking about everything and nothing at all...

    "Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been
    the two most beautiful words in the English language."
    Henry James

    Happy Weekend!


    Erin said...

    wishing there was sun in NY left to soak up!


    Oh, I simply adore Tuscany... <3


    aw, lovely! i so want to go there!


    Don't know how I'm only just discovering you as your blog is simply lovely. I'm banking this post in my dream honeymoon file!


    I used to live in Tuscany. The most relaxing place on earth.. happy weekend!


    What you have just described is my perfect holiday ... make that life!

    I adore the photo's you've chosen, just gorgeous.


    Lovely blog, wish that I could be in Tuscany right now, enjoyed reading it, good stuff! :)


    Hey You!
    this post is gorgeous!
    I miss you!


    Very pretty! Oh how I love Tuscany.


    oh my! a weekend in Tuscany would be simply dreamy!


    So lovely! I cannot wait to visit Tuscany one day ~ The beauty and loveliness of the natural surroundings are just incredible. I will join you :)



    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog - I stop by as often as I can to see what new things you've shared.

    I would also like to introduce you to my own newly-started blog, "File Under Lovely" ( and hope that you will visit often!



    Apt 34 - thank you so much for your lovely comments! What a coincidence, I've recently discovered yours as well and the feelings are completely mutual x
    Gina - I am jealous, how could you tear yourself away?
    Julia - thank you for the comment and also for the introduction to your blog - I'll definitely check it out!
    SK - definitely! You have an open invitation to accompany me to Tuscany anytime!! x