
    Friday, September 4, 2009

    Hop into the weekend...

    I'm just finishing a marathon work week (eight days straight!) and Saturday can't come soon enough! Sorry posts have been rather scarce lately, between the last of wedding madness and my crazy work schedule, I've been a little overwhelmed.
    This weekend promises lots of fun with a little time at the beach, some live music and dancing and of course, my 'new' husband at my side :)

    Happy, happy long weekend to all of us labourers! Go on and take a break - we deserve it!

    What do you all have planned?

    {Photo:J Crew}



    I hope you have a much-deserved, restful and fun weekend with you guy :) Sounds like a wonderful time!

    I don't have anything set in stone yet, but perhaps some working, some fun, maybe a hike before it gets too cold, lol ~


    I am going to enjoy this long weekend with a dear friend and her two beautiful daughters at their cottage up north!! Your weekend sounds magical... enjoy every dance you get with your husband!!


    Have a lovely weekend. I'm planning on some antiquing, shopping, gardening, movies, and eating out.


    That workweek does sound like a true marathon! Enjoy your well-deserved weekend! I'm planning on painting my bedroom, hot cups of tea on the sofa (to start september of warm and cozy), and saturdaynight-partying with friends.


    Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.

    It's all perfect !

    Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....


    we beached it too yesterday, ate, swam, sunned and caught up on favorite magazines, just a fabulous sunday! happy monday and restful labor day :)


    Great blog, love your iamges!


    Sounds like everyone had a lovely weekend lined up - mine was great but as always, far too quick!

    Elise & Purple Area - thank you so much for your sweet comments! I'm completely delighted you stopped by!