
    Friday, October 23, 2009

    Best in show: Dogs + Boots

    Two favourite things: beautiful boots for fall + an adorable side kick.
    There's nothing that makes me happier than seeing the happy little face of a dog out on a walk. Sheer bliss. This weekend I hope you experience a little of that - whether it's out on a walk, enjoying some gorgeous new fall boots, or enjoying some time with your favourite furry creature.

    {a pretty little Cavalier has on my wish list for a while - don't you think she looks like a girly Javier?
    I think he needs a sister... }

    Whatever's on your mind, a little canine intuition will set you straight - I swear they have the answers to it all...

    Have a happy, lovely weekend!

    {All photos: OprahMagazineNov'09 by KatherineWeissman}



    ok you so need to go visit my dog blog. Http:/ Would you care if I posted a couple of these on my blog.I will give you guys the credit!!


    This is so cute! I love it. Thanks for posting and have a lovely weekend.


    Sweet. Great idea.
    Thanks for sharing.:)


    Lauren + Raru - thanks so much, hope you're having a great weekend :)

    Amy - off to see your dog blog right now. Of course I don't mind if you re-post the photos, it made me smile to see them, hopefully others will think so too!


    Great post! Loving the over the knee suede boots- very chic. Love your blog!


    i've definitely been spending some time w/my furry creatures, but i usually wear sneakers when i walk them:)
    the combo is striking and these photos are very fun.


    Oh, goodness me, I love these photos {most especially that boxer + boots pair at the end}. Spectacular product placement!



    This may be one of the best posts I've ever seen since dogs and shoes happen to be my two favorite things as well. Thanks for sharing!!!


    Oh my word, these pics are beyond cute!! I've got to pass this on to my friend asap! She's gonna love it!


    DOC - I have to admit, most of my dog walking is not done in fancy boots either!

    Girl Inspired - thank you, thank you! You are sweet :)

    Lola - you're totally right, for both boots + dogs!

    Rebekah - I'm so happy you we share our love for both x

    Lana - I hope she likes it :)

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