
    Friday, October 2, 2009

    A lovely autumn weekend...

    I'm dreaming of the perfect mild autumn weekend, kicking up my heels and running foot loose and fancy-free, splashing through water in my wellies...

    Smiling up at the sun in the garden and getting my hands dirty in the garden, collecting fresh vegetables and flowers.

    Perhaps heading off to the local farmer's market for some lovely pumpkin and butternut
    - some to eat, and some to decorate!

    Coming home, kicking off my shoes, sailing through the air on a swing, leaving all my cares in the world far below me on the ground...

    Finally, after a lovely meal filled with all the goodness of autumn (and maybe a little maple syrup), settling in with a cozy blanket and a good book.

    I hope your weekend is filled with all the best of autumn...

    Here are some lovely things to make it even better:
    - a very glamorous give-away-
    - a fabulous read-
    - gorgeous icy blue-
    -lovely zig-zag notecards-

    {Photos: JoseVilla for Design*Sponge, PatrickCline for Lonny, HollyBecker at HausMaus,PatrickCline for Lonny, GentlMyers}



    What a lovely post, enjoy your weekend. Sounds like a dream!


    Thank you CH - hope you have a lovely weekend as well! x

    the NEO-traditionalist said...

    Ohh what a fabulous, inspiring post! I want to do all these things as well. Can't wait to pull out my wellies.
    XX Kate


    I'll take your weekend...!! Have a happy relaxing one! Lovely photos!


    oh so lovely images! I'm longing for sunny spring days here... today it's grey and cold... but I'm so happy because it's Friday! hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo


    Oh, this is lovely! Sounds like the most perfect weekend to me -- I hope you have fun and get to do at least a few of these :) Also, that blanket in the bottom photo looks so cozy! xo


    I was given the Blog Award, Kreativ Blogger, and had to choose 7 other blogs worthy of the award. You're one of my choices!

    Here are the Rules for this award:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
    2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
    3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
    4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
    5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
    6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
    7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they've been nominated

    Check out my site for more info!
    X0 Farfallina


    Thank you so much Farfallina!! What a lovely surprise to see at the end of a long week :)


    You make autumn seem so inviting....

    Maria Felix said...

    How do we enter this lovely giveaway? The items are sounding really nice...


    Aw thanks for the link!! Hope your weekend went well! :)


    Farfallina - thank you so much! I'm so excited to be included in your picks x
    MF - just click where it says 'glamorous give-away' it should take you there, if not, let me know :)
    Daniella - it was lovely thank you, Nuit Blanche weekend, hope yours went well too x