
    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    A very big Thank you + a Give-away

    We've just finished celebrating Thanksgiving here in Canada - while I'm always partial to Christmas, there is something so special about this holiday, a chance to get together, reflect on our blessings, share a lovely meal, funny stories, family games and lots of laughter.
    It's far too easy to get caught up in the hussle and bustle of it all and the limited personal challenges we have that it's astounding when you look around and take the time to realise how much everything is going right, and how wonderful and exhilarating life is, just to be a part of it.

    I've really, really appreciated all your comments over the past few weeks - thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and making this blog so much fun to write! A very special thank you also, to Farfallina and Mocca & Me for the Kreativ blogger award - I was so excited to be included in your choices. In the spirit of Kreativ bloggers, here are a few things you may not know about me...

    - I went to school at an all girls Catholic Convent for thirteen years (run by German nuns, no less!)
    - I live for cheese (I swear I'm part mouse) and olives (my dad and I have shared an entire jar on a car ride home before!)
    - I'm terrified of chickens, especially roosters - they attacked me when I was five.
    - I don't eat eggs. At all. I've always hated them - I really wish I liked them, everyone else seems to, but they make me gag everytime. (Perhaps a chicken connection?)
    - Growing up I was a little obsessed with Princess Diana, and met her when she visited Zimbabwe. Thankfully she was unaware of my Majesty reading, photo collecting, stalkerish twelve year old tendencies...
    - I was a soloist in the school choir when I was much younger. These days I keep my singing to myself or the pets, mainly as a public service to everyone else...
    - I know the words to just about every Disney song. Seriously, you can test me!

    Now it's my turn to pass it on to some other lovely blogs...
    - Plush Palate-
    - Apt #34-
    - Avante Garde-
    - Gathering Spriggs-
    -Chichi and Luxe-

    As a big thank you to all readers of A Life More Fabulous, I'll be giving away a beautiful set of Thank You notes from Linda & Harriett. Gorgeous, thick letter press cards with beautiful calligraphy by my favourite calligrapher, Jenna Hein. A really lovely way to surprise someone you know with a card to let them know you appreciate them, or just because...

    Hope your week's off to a great start!

    Now enter the give-away by leaving a comment below...
    {Give-away to be randomly drawn, Monday October 19th, 5pm EST}

    {Photos:1,2 MichaelWeschlerforCountryLiving, 3,4 Linda&Harriett}



    Hey lovely - I recall a stunning moment in B-house where we did sing about twelve Disney songs along with my sister (who had sent a CD from Australia, no less). Hilarious and true. x.


    Sharalee! Another Fabulous Give-Away!


    Aw, what a great giveaway! I love these notecards! And Happy Late Thanksgiving to you!


    these notecards are lovely! you have an oh-so beautiful and inspiring site! i love it!


    I love sending hand written notes, and these would be wonderful! Thanks for the great giveaway!


    Happy Thanksgiving and Hurray for giveaways!


    oh these are FAB!!!



    Absolutely love the first photo - makes me want to take my kitchen table outside - shame its raining cats and dogs here in UK!!
    I seem to collect Thank you cards so what a fab giveaway!


    I love Linda + Harriet. The texture on those cards is so beautiful.


    What a beautiful post, lovely sentiments too :)

    Maria Felix said...

    I could be your back-up on the Disney songs, lady!

    We should all have a moment to pack up a trunk full of cheese (I am also spiritually rodent-esque) and wine and bread and finds some nice woods.

    The calligraphy is particularly beautiful on the cards. You are very sweet to offer these giveaways.


    My youthful self wrote to Princess Diana long ago asking for an autograph, but her lady in waiting wrote back and said no, I've never been the same since.


    I enjoyed reading these facts about you :) Lucky to meet Princess Diana, too. She was an amazing person, indeed!

    That's so funny about the Disney movies -- I have an Autistic brother and when he was little, once he was onto a movie, it was played a zillion times over. I bet you and I could do a successful duet :) hehe


    You and me and our fear of chickens! Although I was never attacked by one so I don't know where mine comes from. If that had happened to me I seriously think I would have died! And hey, I was a soloist in choir too! Maybe a duet is in order? :)


    Mise - well that's not that nice! With all the trouble it took to write she could have at least got a signature (or even faked it!) :(

    Right Bank - perhaps a song about chickens? or the KFC theme song? (jk)
    and perhaps we should grab Sarah and Maria start a big Disney choir!


    Emma - I miss our B House duets! (and you in general! x)


    Loved your list, so neat that you met Princess Di!

    And those notecards are too cute! I've been on a huge snail mail kick lately!


    thank you cards definitely make the list of top 10 favorite thing! i would put them to such good use:)


    What lady does not like a good set of pretty, impressive thank you notes! Thanks for the blog - NICE!


    Just found your beautiful blog this weekend as I explored while trying to fight a bad bug. Hoping to wake up tomorrow feeling better after 3 days in bed. Thanks for images of fabulous-ness:)