
    Tuesday, October 6, 2009

    A dream in ballet

    Just had the most wonderful surprise - the charming Mr M. has got us tickets to the ballet - we are going to see Sleeping Beauty. I've been infatuated with ballet - the beauty and grace of the dancers, the orchestra. There's something almost magical about it - almost like being in a fairy tale. I've regretted not continuing with dancing for years, and have been planning to start lessons again at the National Ballet. For the minute, I can be satisfied with these gorgeous images - and dream of a fanfare of tulle and satin ribbons.

    {Photos: flufoto on Flickr}



    How exciting, do report back...that's both my favorite movie and put in the form of a ballet, it will be beautiful no doubt!


    well, i've never danced, formally that is, but any excuse to wear tulle and i'd think about it...seriously. have fun and you should definitely continue if you have a passion like that for the craft. :)


    Thank you - I'll let you know how my attempt goes...

    Erin said...

    I've been in love with Degas ballerinas ever since I can remember!


    You should! It's so wonderful for the body and soul, I think...

    What a graceful way to express music, theatre and emotion. Lovely images -- I can almost hear the music :)