
    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    'The Holiday' Tradition

    Christmas is undoubtably my favourite holiday, the whole magic of the season just capitvates me - the beauty of sparkling lights, the offerings of goodwill and lightening of spirits, but also the special traditions you develop over the years. Some going back decades, some more recently.

    One of mine has been to watch 'The Holiday" every year with my sisters since we first saw it. I have such a fond memory of a magical December evening with my sisters and watching this movie together. I remember looking across at them and realising we were all smiling as we watched. One of the things I loved most about the movie was the fantastic sets. I could always see myself living in Amanda's L.A home with it's clean modern style, gorgeous fuschia bougainvillea (reminds me of the home I grew up in), and orchids, orchids everywhere! (Although I fear they'd commit suicide in my house...) Right now, I rather feel like escaping to Iris's delightfully cozy English cottage in Surrey.

    The space is immediately warm and inviting, warm soft light draws you in.
    Exposed beams add a rustic touch, rich tapestry rugs, hanging lanterns and lamps umbrellas, a light jacket and green Hunter boots have you all set to go out and enjoy the countryside.

    The space is packed full of English country charm - adorable little vignettes and personal details everywhere you look. It's even decorated for the holidays! Normally I'm an all white lights kind of girl, but here I just love the Santa Christmas lights and bright red bulbs.

    (Doesn't Cameron's outfit and that gorgeous creamy sweater just look so cozy?)

    Probably my favourite feature of this inviting cottage are the fireplaces in almost every room - can't you just imagine catching up with a loved one over a warm cup of tea beside the fire right in the kitchen after a long walk in the common?

    A vintage wrought iron bed, extra quilts, baskets of chopped wood for the fire and books, books, books - the perfect spot to get all cozy and cuddle in for the evening (or for the season!)

    No room for another fireplace in the bathroom - is this the most adorable bath tub ever?
    I think quite possibly so...

    I love the charm of this cottage, but there were so many little little details in this film that have me smitten, I'll be sharing some more as well as some details from Amanda's home in L.A a little later.

    This little movie tradition has become one of the things that start off the holidays to me,
    can't wait to watch it again this year!

    Hope you're all enjoying a lovely weekend!

    {Photos from: HookedonHouses (an amazing source for so many favourite films!) , AllMoviePhotos}



    What a great tradition with your sisters. I have this movie too and have watched it many times. Since your reminder here, I think I might have to dig it out tonight and watch it.


    I LOVE that movie !! And that house omg !! I fell in love with it when I first saw the movie (and I also watch it every year ;-) )


    i love this movie SO MUCH as well. i remember the first time i saw it, i thought "i don't EVER want this to finish"

    i don't know how it never gets old, but it just doesn't.

    lovely little post!


    Adventures in Dressmaking said...

    I love The Holiday! And her cottage is so darling... thanks for the screen shots! I like the LA house, too, but I think it needs more color to be truly homey.


    Christmas is hands down my favorite holiday! I haven't yet seen the movie "The Holiday" but this post is really making me want to. The pictures are gorgeous and so is your blog!


    Such a cute movie- her cottage is adorable. Love Jude Law in it too.


    What a sweet story! I love that. This movie is in my dvd collection, and need to pull it out -- it is such a sweet, heart-warming movie...Kate has to be one of my all time favorite actresses!

    Hope you are also having a lovely weekend*



    The bathtub alone! I'm sold. Love the movie + love, love, love the decor. What a great post.



    "You look like my Barbie!" said in a little British accent. Great movie!! My sister and I watch the same movies every year also. Family Stone is a must, as well as The Holiday.

    Don't forget Jude Law's character's house. I remember loving it, as well!

    Hope you had a lovely holiday.



    Love the fairy-tale-ish bathtub space! Hope you have a great Christmas with your family! xo


    I love this movie! Such a great choice for the holidays...


    hi, i came across your blog and i really like it.the bathroom here is awesome :)
    I'm studying interior design and I'm in my junior year.Now Im saying that because I've read your profile page, the "about me" section...and I love the pictures of the interior that you post here :)

    p.s. I'm new here so I'd really appreciate if you come and check my blog sometimes :))


    Lovely images ang blog!

    thanks for your visit dear,



    I love that movie and watch it year always makes me smile - such a feel good movie!

    Love the sets...I am more of an Iris Country setting right now as I live in LA year round...:)


    Thank you all for such lovely comments, I'm a little late in replying, just trying to catch up now that we finally have electricity!
    Love, love the charm of Iris' country cottage - and Jaime you're right, Jude Law in it would be even better ! ;)


    If you love the bathtub in the film 'Holiday' or the Copper bath in the new 'Sherlock Holmes' movie contact a company that can supply either tub.

    contemporary lighting said...

    I also ♥ the movie. You were right both homes are cozy and relaxing to live in..