
    Monday, November 23, 2009

    Colour Escapades: Black + White + Yellow

    A bold and energetic combination for a Monday morning simple black and white with big jolts of bright yellow make you instantly alert, perhaps an alternative to your morning coffee. The room is a study of contrasts - simple black and white against bright colour, the intricately carved chairs against the simple pedestal table, the ornate gold leaf mirror against the simple white wall and decor, the intricate mosaic pattern of the chest against the simple black and white tiles.

    This dining area in the home of photographer Henry Wilson clearly demonstrates two things that he is passionate about - Indian interiors and ultra modernism. I think showcasing your passions in life throughout your home always guarantees your house will make you happy. You're constantly surrounded by things you love.

    The two bright yellow canvases immediately catch your eye and create a form a distinct colour theme along with the bright oncidium orchids. This is an easy way to tie your decor together when working on a budget, a few impactful accents - maybe even your own DIY canvas art, are the perfect way to tie everything together.

    These gorgeous carved dining chairs are like pieces of sculpture. I love the idea of each piece being able to stand on its own as a beautiful piece of art.




    Gorgeous- yellow is my fave color...loves!


    Love the use of yellow in those rooms. There's something vaguely reminiscent of a strange story like Alice in Wonderland about that color combination.


    Simple elegance that's what I love about these pics.


    gorgeous and classic color combo for sure. love the painting in that first room.


    yellow is my favorite color, always has been and i have to say that these interior spaces are some of the prettiest i've seen in some time. and yes, those dining chairs are sculptural, and i also love the table, with the 2 bases holding it up. i just love all of it! :)


    Brandi - you're right the colour combo reminds me of all the harlequin in Alice in Wonderland.

    Avant Garde - so glad you enjoyed it too!



    I love it! Very creative!That's actually really cool.
