
    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    Work in progress

    A beautifully arranged desk just makes the work so much more enjoyable, don't you think? I think conversations would flow a little more smoothly with a lovely vintage telephone.
    (Doesn't the Yves Saint Laurent monogram make you want to design one for yourself? Me too.)

    Busy, busy this morning - but lots of fun projects on the go! On the agenda today - a little scouting at a favourite Parisian inspired boutique, and lunch with one of very my favourite people, my always stylish and inspiring "other mom" :) Now, that's my favourite kind of busy!

    Hope the busy-ness of today brings you some fun!
    What are you all up to?




    Not to mention the weight of a vintage telephone {have you ever picked up one of those things?} and the gorgeous spin-dial. It certainly would make returning messages so much more glamorous!



    Enjoy your day- love that YSL print...where can I get one of those! haha.

    Today is lots of work- stealing some time to check blogs on lunch :)


    Ooo what boutique? In T.O.? Have fun!


    Beautiful pictures! Very glamorous! I like! :)

    XX Nicky :)


    you are right, i need an organized environment to work effectively.


    I'll definitely be one to admit that talking on cell phones isn't as much fun as feeling that vintage phone in your hand...and a well organized desk is vital to my existence.
    I've been in classes all day and grading exams (the life of a grad student). I wish I could give all the kids As, I really do, but I just can't.


    Heart the YSL telephone desk! Precious! Come follow me too at

    xo.s sheila


    Love that journal at the top! Fabulous, classic and lovely!


    ooh- perfect kind of busy! What great sets too.


    YSL all brightens my day! As the great Mr. Laurent always said: "Fashions fade, style is eternal"...words to live by!

    Enjoying a warm-ish day in NYC, mixing some fun polish colors for my new winter collection :)

    Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

    I 100% agree. When my desk looks good, I feel so much more motivated and ready to get things done!