
    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Spring inspiration

    At last it's arrived! The most exciting of seasons when the world seems fresh, new and alive with a million possibilities- Spring. A welcome relief from the drudgery of winter bringing a rush of renewed energy and inspiration. Always the perfect time for new projects, a fresh start or even fresh perspective on things.

    "The beautiful spring came; 
    and when Nature resumes her loveliness, 
    the human soul is apt to revive also. "

     - Harriet Ann Jacobs

    Happy First Day of Spring everyone!

    {Photos: Styling for So-En magazine via Scout Holiday seen at thisisglamorous}


    elissa @ faucethead said...

    i didn't even realize it's the first day of spring! too gray here for now but i'm optimistic about the flowers and sunshine that lie ahead!


    That's so funny, I just bought a new moleskin notebook to fill with bits of collected papers and pretty things! It's the perfect time for a fresh start this spring. Hope you have a lovely week!


    Yeah! Its spring but its snowing here in NY...I kid you not. But I know warm spring days are not too far away....have a wonderful day.


    what a nice quote!


    pretty post. i suppose i should get to some spring cleaning too...


    Yay! Such wonderful words about the most wonderful season. Happy Spring!


    Great perfect for Spring! Hope you had a great weekend! Have you voted for Fine Man Friday this week yet? Have a great day. Kori xoxo


    Love all the craft items! Happy Spring.


    Atelier Turner said...

    perfectly said...

    Cat @PerpetualPerfection said...

    Spring! It just sets a whole different tone for life! Don't ya think! Love it!

    Be sure to enter my giveaway!

    Edwina@FASHION+ART said...

    Such pretty images. Ahhh...Spring. Nothing like spring in Atlanta, GA. It's warming up a little early this year but I'll take it! Just remind me that I said this come July when it's 200 degrees in my upstairs office.


    Happy Spring! It's cold and raining in SoCal today but I'm sure this time next week I'll be busting out all the DIY I've been saving up for warmer weather as well! Lovely collection, especially loving the fun little butterflies...I imagine they'll definitely brighten up someone's day in a homemade crafted card :D

    Thanks for sharing!


    Haute Khuuture Blog


    Love the quotes!Great post as well as the images! Happy spring!


    Yes spring is here and I am waiting for the first bulbs to appear! However now we have snow predicted for tomorrow!


    Lovely inspirations! The colors are pretty! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx