
    Monday, February 7, 2011

    A city under snow

    Around this time of year it's easy to grow weary of winter - layers of clothing, chapped lips, pale sallow complexions and pools of icky grey slush at every corner. While it's difficult to recognize any beauty in the slushy streets, there's no denying the magic of a fresh coat of fluffy white snow. New York based photographer has captured Central Park in a way that made my think that this just might be its most beautiful time of year.

    Here's to embracing winter!

    P.S - another beautiful city under snow - Paris

    {Photos: }



    Gorgeous black and whites!!


    Gorgeous and how I'd love to see the snow in NY- to me it's the perfect winter city.


    Laura - yes, Jaime certainly has an amazing eye!

    Christine - New York definitely is beautiful under snow. I think the snow really looks lovely against classic architectural details


    These photos are so gorgeous. I feel like the blog world has shunned winter all together... and we were so excited for it! Thank you for this lovely post. Winter is truly beautiful.


    I especially love the last shot -- the building looks so regal and elegant. Definitely homesick for NY right about now!

    mylifereinvented said...

    Wonderful photos. I have such a love hate relationship with snow, but when I see it in photos I remember what I love about it.

    radiantrepublic said...

    So beautiful! I DO love lazy, snowy winter days. What a pretty reminder. I am loving your blog and look forward to following!


    I do so agree with you and the photos are wonderful. Having moved from Australia to Canada nearly 8 years ago, snow still delights me! (except for the slush)


    These are just beautiful....I'm not use to snow and I'm sure it can be challenging to live in it but it looks wonderfulfrom here :)