
    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Sentiment on display

    The other day I had the rare luxury of a little day time television, and happened to catch a bit of the Nate Berkus Show. I absolutely love Nate's sense of style, his lighthearted approach and good nature, and of course all of his incredibly creative ideas. On the show, Nate featured creative ways to display personal objects, one of which was framing personal letters and postcards. I loved this idea - and immediately thought back to this space. It reminded me of Nate with it's earthy, sophisticated, well-travelled feeling, and of course, the beautifully framed script.

    A personal letter would look really lovely with a simple frame, with or without plain matting to showcase it. Everyone's handwriting is so unique and indicative to them that this would be a wonderful, sentimental way of remembering them and the special moments you share each time you see it.

    One of my most treasured notes is from my grandfather. He was not a man of many words, but quietly thoughtful and never failed to end a conversation by letting you know he was proud of you. One day early in my university years, I received a letter in the post, with some money and a simple note telling me to go and treat myself to a nice meal. It's this quiet thoughtfulness that I always want to remember and that really spoke volumes about type of person he was, and I hope to live up to. This is one note I'd love to frame.

    {Photos: Nuevo Estilo via The Diversion Project}



    I love the idea of putting notes or letters in frames:) Such a beautiful way to keep memories alive! Happy day, my dear

    Ps: I am hosting a beautiful GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in :)


    Lovely. On a blog once I saw someone had framed some witty words written down by their grandfather years ago--I thought it was just an amazing piece for a home.


    That is such a great idea! Wow, I never thought of doing that but it would make for some wonderfully sentimental art.


    In the '80's ..out little designer/decorator trick was to take out clients most sentimental moments on case it was speech notes on the back of a wedding invitation...and place it in a double sided Lucite frame. Still, so smart.



    Connie - framing witty or funny little phrases from a friend or special person would be such a lovely little tribute!


    That's a lovely little tip Teri - thanks for sharing! ;)