
    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Red in the bedroom?

    Feng shui experts believe that you need at least a little of the colour red in your bedroom to ignite romance and passion. I've always opted for soft soothing tones of blue, grey and lilac (exactly the opposite of what they recommend.) To be honest, I really can only handle red in smaller doses, the idea of an entirely red room just seems so heavy and a bit too intense for me.  While I doubt I'd ever paint the walls red, I'd never even considered the idea of a red ceiling. I just love the soft warm glow it gives the room. This is a fun way to introduce spot of bright colour without too much of a commitment.

    I'm still not convinced I could handle the red, I think little bits of bright pink is about as close as I will get to feng-shui bliss, but how about you? Are you a red person?

    {Photo: Magnus Anesund discovered via coco+kelley}


    Liz said...

    The red ceiling seems a little much, maybe red accents would be nice (i.e. a vase, a picture frame). I prefer to keep it simple :)


    Looks fun for a hotel or such. I'm so not a red person though.


    i would prefer a red drawing or a red sticker or simply red bed linen and cushions.


    Not a fan of tons of red in the home, but this colour has a nice coral touch to it that I actually like! I don't know if I could commit though! But, it's only paint, lol...


    Oh totally. We have a very large red Geisha painting that really ties the room together. We love it.


    i would never describe myself as a red person
    but it just so happens that i have 2 in my home.
    and they are always the rooms that people want to be in.
    go figure.


    That is great! I have a red sari on my ceiling and red vinyl paisley decals to mimin the sari pattern. My bedroom is still my zen place, despite the bright colorl


    I like red, though have never really worn or used it. (thanks to my red hair!) However, my Mom adores it, so I have always grown up with it in our home. I really like how this ceiling has been painted for a hit of color, not so expected... might be a nice idea!