
    Monday, July 13, 2009

    Painted floor?

    This painted floor immediately caught my eye! Perhaps I've found the cure for not being able to afford the Madeleine Weinrib carpet I love - paint and stencils! Normally I'd shy away from something like this but I really love this effect. I could see this in a bedroom or a home office. {Insert airy white linens and some turquose accents...}

    I'd be a little nervous to actually put that first coat of paint on. Have you/would you ever paint your floor? Ever try a pattern? I'm anxious to hear what you think!

    {Read about this fabulous DIY delight at Design Sponge.}

    {Photo:DesignSponge via LakeJane}



    A great idea, especially if your floorboards aren't really up to varnishing!


    I have never done this, but after seeing your post here, I would definitely try it! This floor is spectacular!


    Yes but make sure you use the right kind of paint. I used to use oil based but that is no longer. I think painted floors can be lovely like the one in the picture. One thing ~ keep the pattern simple and fresh. I made the mistake of trying too ornate of a design and it wasn't great. Yes, I had to re-do it....


    Yup - I would definitely do something like this. I figure it's only paint and at worse i'll have to re-do! :)


    Paula - so nice to hear you've tried it! I think you're right though - a strong, simple design would probably work best. What type of paint did you use?

    Brandie & Kristen - I say give it a try - and when you do, let me see :)


    Love the look-also great in a kitchen or foyer.


    I love this look but there is no way I would ever have the courage to do it! I used to take on projects like this but have since learned that I'm not handy at all. I really admire people who can do this sort of thing.


    Never tried... too much of a chicken (plus, I rent)! But if I ever get my own house, this would definitely be an option in a sun room, for instance.


    i would definitely paint a floor if it's one i owned. just dive in, it'll be better then you think.


    This is very true - somehow I don't know that landlords would be too chuffed by your artistic genius. Definitely best left to home owners.
    SR and DecoDetective - a little front room or a sun room would be the perfect place to try this out. Not too huge a commitment.


    Yes, I've painted one of my favorite patterns, a zebra, in the entry of my office. I believe that the secret to make this work is a strong contrast and a limited colour scheme including 2 to 3 colours max. I also opted for painting the pattern only on a particular section of the floor. The rest was painted white which made the pattern pop against the neutral background without making it to confusing to look at.
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog and leaving a comment. I'm glad I discovered your fabulous blog - I've become a new follower.