
    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    A suggested change of venue...

    I have been feeling the need for a bit of an escape and spent some time perusing the internet for perfect virtual spot to relax and unwind. This is where I came across a spot that just broke my heart - clearly they are in dire need of my assistance to join them as a resident quality control expert. You just need to browse these photos to see exactly the extent of the situation.

    A sea of infinity pools, gorgeous Asian antiques and billowing white canopies - sad, sad...

    Now I truly believe that charity begins at home, which is why I propose that the Shambhala Estates should become my home. I will gladly assist them in quality and control and room testing - out of the goodness of my own heart.

    The Shambhala Estate is set in Bali, Indonesia - so if you are in need of an absolutely decadent retreat, or decide to come looking for me, that's where I'll be (once I've finished my current charity work here quality control testing for Cadbury's) :).

    Hope you are having a relaxing, rejuvenating weekend!

    {All photos: TabletHotels}



    Perfect relaxation spot !!


    From the looks of these photos, I can't believe anyone would suffer through having to stay there ;)I hope you're able to give them some much needed Quality Control help. Love this post!!

    lucy@fourwallsandaroof said...

    Hmm, will you need an assistant in your new job? Can I volunteer?

    Looks wonderful.


    Cerelina & Kristen - thank you. Hopefully once I've sorted out the terrible mess I'll be able to invite you to come and stay.
    Lucy - I definitely think I will need your help!


    My, but isn't this fabulous. I'd love to steal away and join you!

    As always, enjoy your blog, miss thing.



    absolutely stunning. I wish I could run away to any of these places right now (even more so as I sit here in front of my scheduler anticipating a busy week ahead of me) :-) Hope you had a fabulous weekend!!


    Gorgeous. I think Bali is one of the most beautiful places in the world and as if that weren't enough, they have such exquisite places to stay like this one!


    I love your sense of humor! :)

    Such an incredible place...I can imagine waking up, hearing water...grabbing a coffee or tea in my pretty nightie, and sitting on the edge, dipping my feet in the water...

    It's paradise*


    Funny! I would be happy to work for that charity. I'll sacrifice myself for the greater good. Really. I don't mind sleeping in that bed :)


    This is truly paradise on earth!!! Bali is in my top 10 visit before I die...thx!


    Lola - you are welcome to join me anytime my friend!
    Tanya - I totally agree, sometimes it's almost too much of a tease to look at all these gorgeous escapes!
    Alek - I'm awfully jealous of all your travels! I'm having serious wanderlust at the moment. Sounds like you'd be a lovely traveling companion :)
    Sarah - that just sounds too idyllic! - a big cup of tea and sitting by the water first thing in the morning, sounds like the perfect way to begin the day. I love it when everything is still and I can be alone with my thoughts first thing in the morning.
    Paula - I'm so happy to know that you have such a heart for others!
    Dana - I'd have to agree. I think it's on my top 10 too!I vote we go and get one off the list :)

    Jules @ Lovely Las Vegas said...

    Hilarious!! Really what a lovely place... ehemmm, I mean, it is good that you are taking part in the quality control to make amends to such a place. Wish I could assist in the enormous task at hand ; ).