
    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Bright florals + Lavender fields

    I`ve had a card from Canadian artist Bobbie Burgers` show at the Bau-xi Gallery in Toronto on the cork board above my desk for quite some time now. Every time I think of switching things up I put the bright, red poppy right back up. It`s vibrant colours cheer me up every time I see it and flowers, of course, are my most favourite thing of all. Bobbie is known for her bright blown up botanicals and pastoral imagery. Her time spent studying painting in Provence is evident through her beautiful landscapes, they definitely have an Impressionist feeling to them not only with her subjects but also through her bold, confident brush strokes. There is alot of energy and life in her work - I`d love to have one of these pieces one day and hang it somewhere I`d see it just as I have my cup of tea and start my day, so fresh and energizing!

    Hope they brighten your day too!

    {All images: Bobbie Burgers}



    I love it too!!!
    Thank you for the post i hope that you will have a great day too :))))



    Lovely! Burgers work is sort of representative of something that Georgia O'Keeffe and Vincent Van Gogh's love child would paints! Truly beautiful, I can see why it inspires you.


    These are gorgeous. Thanks!


    Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!


    browsing through your blog just put a huge smile on my face. I LOVE IT!

    .art spot・


    Stunning!! These are so vibrant I'd love to have one on my walls!


    the lavendar field is just beautiful + serene ~ perfect to enjoy admiring with a cup of tea ~

    have a happy day (and Happy Tasty Tuesday ;)


    This post certainly did! It is dreary + rainy here in Vancouver, and looking at these beautiful colors made my day...I love how art and certain properties have the ability to life a person's mood...



    I often go into the Bau-xi gallery here in Vancouver to gaze at and obsess over Bobbie Burgers. She truly is a genius and it is my goal to have one of her pieces one day! Great post!