
    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Bloggers Day of Action for Haiti

    I know I'm not alone in my heartfelt sadness over the recent disaster in Haiti, or my feelings or frustration and wishing I could do something to help.

    Today several bloggers will be posting links that you can use to direct some funds to
    the people who so desperately need help right now. Today Jeanine at AphroChic will be auctioning some items to help raise money towards disaster relief, stop by AphroChic today.

    A quick and easy way to help?
    Text YELE to 505-505, or HAITI to 90999 to donate.

    Or visit one of these websites to donate:

    Doctors without Borders
    The Red Cross

    Visit the other blogs who have committed to a Bloggers Day of Action for Haiti for some beautiful posts on the vibrant art and culture of this beautiful country
    and what you can do to help.

    It's Oh So Grand
    Bay Area Style File
    Single Bubble Pop
    Lindsey Lou Blogs
    Make Under My Life
    Design For Mankind
    Urban Casita
    Nuvani Nice
    Jodines Corner
    The Cubicle Chick

    Remember in times of disaster even the smallest amount makes a big difference to someone who might be living minute to minute!



    So happy to see all my fellow bloggers. Coming together for a great cause.

    Fine Craft Guild said...

    good intend, good post.

    you might like to also refer people to the ever growing long iist of artists and craft artisans who generously contribute a % of proceeds to aid Haiti.

    you can find the list here:


    Wonderful - thanks for the link!
    So happy to be able to do anything at all