
    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Give-away: Fine Art Photography

    So excited to announce a new and especially fantastic give-away here, sponsored by
    the Photography Art Store, a new local organization dedicated to promoting both the love of art and talented new artists.

    Started with a mission to make owning art affordable and accessible to everyone by taking the intimidation factor out of starting your own collection. Every few weeks they feature a new collection of beautiful limited edition photographs by emerging artists in the community available to purchase on their website. I was recently introduced to this project and am looking forward to following along with this project and hopefully adding some beautiful pieces to my own small collection. As their artwork is frequently changing, be sure to stay updated at their site and their blog, and sign up for their newsletter to get first pick on new editions.

    Rachyl and Charlie by Kenneth Chou

    Ocean Dreamer by Paul Flynn

    Makeup, Toronto Fashion Week, by Kenneth Chou

    Beach Basketball #1 by Jennifer Squires

    Taj Mahal, by Ville Miettinen

    To start you off on your very own collection, you can enter below to win an 11" x 14" limited edition print of your choice. To enter, visit their site then leave a comment below and let us know which print currently on their site is your favourite. Post this give-away on your Facebook or Twitter, then leave another comment to let me know for an additional entry.

    * a winner will be randomly drawn and contacted via email after Wednesday 27th January; this give-away is open to residents of Canada and the United States only. Please ensure to leave an email address if you do not have a blog, or contact info on your blog.

    Good luck everyone!



    'Taj Mahal' is my favorite. Please and thank you!

    Maria Felix said...

    "Resting Bounty" is pretty stark and beautiful.

    I love your giveaways!

    Thank you for sharing!


    I love the "Ocean Dreamer" one....very fun.

    Thanks :)


    I love Glacier in Greenland - just beautiful!!!

    Pam said...

    My favorite is "sidewalk dream scene."

    Sogni e Sorrisi said...

    I love "Makeup, Toronto Fashion Week"!

    Larissa said...

    There are lots of awesome choices, but my hands down favourite is Rachyl and Charlie by Kenneth Chou. IT'S HILARIOUS and so clever.

    Such a great moment & so well seen.

    Trevor Little said...

    What an incredible collection of images. My favorite image on their site would have to be 'zoography #31' by Kenneth Chou, however I also really like the 'Rachyl and Charlie' photograph as well as Jennifer Squires' 'on the quiet' and 'beach basketball #2'. Tough choice.

    Charlotte said...

    I think I'd pick Rachel and Charlie - I have a Boston Terrier :)

    The Bella Life said...

    I'm a fan of the first photo because there is a Boston Terrier in it. I have a Boston, they are the best dogs. What a fun contest! I'll be sure to visit their site.



    This is great, Sharalee!

    I really like the fun and humour of "Rachyl and Charlie" by Kenneth Chou. I have a small collection of black and whites, and would love to add this great piece :)



    I adore Resting Beauty for its simplicity and repetition. Beautiful piece. But I also the lines and dynamism of Zoography #31. Both are truly moving pieces.

    I would love a print!! ()


    I love "Reflections on the Arctic Sea". Muted colours, so pretty.

    Kathryn Fox ()


    I adore the 'Ocean Dreamer by Paul Flynn'. Such a simple but profound image.

    heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com



    heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com


    Resting Bounty by Jennifer Squires has got to be my favorite. So peaceful.

    smartygirl said...

    they are all great, but i'm voting for Rachyl and Charlie by Kenneth Chou

    James said...

    Ocean Dreamer for me please -


    i must must must have rachyl and charlie. so cute!


    I love the urban feel of some of the prints. Inglis Plant, Liberty Village #2 by Nico Oved is my favorite. Beautiful photographs.


    I like the Taj Mahal best but it was a tough choice. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

    Amanda C. said...

    This is a toss up between the dog pic and the Taj Mahal but the dog wins as I am an animal lover!