
    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Antique Chic

    This month, I was excited to see that Style at Home featured a house tour of the hilariously witty and oh, so clever Karen Bertelsen . Karen knows how to do all kinds of stuff, including raising monarch butterflies and apparently decorating a beautiful space. Karen's crafty cleverness is apparent throughout the space, incorporating found objects, DIY projects (like the amazing end table, below) and a beautiful collection of antiques.

    Her equally witty and clever blog, The Art of Doing Stuff (which you should be reading!) is a treasure trove of funny little quips and genius tips.  She has shared a tour of her home here, giving us the insider scoop to each room.  While I'd normally I'd force you all to read through my own commentary on all the elements of her space, I thought this time I'd simply tempt you with a sneak peak of my favourite pictures from the tour then refer you over to Karen. It is her house, afterall.

    Now that you've had your sneak peak, visit Karen to read all about it, and see the article at Style at Home.

    {Photos: Donna Griffin for Style at Home, September 2010}



    That is such a beautiful post...I am a huge fan of amazing mirrors and that bathtub is a dream:)

    ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)


    thanks for sharing!! i just spent about 20 minutes looking through her blog + definitely am going to start reading it...she is extremely witty and totally hilarious!

    hope your week is going well :)

    karen said...

    Thanks so much for featuring my house and site! Mostly because it forced me to come over her and look at your site site a little more. ( I've been before but just quickly browsing ) Wow. WOW. You m'am have *excellent* taste. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. Love it!! Thanks again. - karen (


    Oh wow. Amazing! Love that first room with that mirror. Definitely a collection of old and new.


    Why thank you Karen, the feeling is completely mutual. I cannot wait for your upcoming DIY tutorial on making that end table. I need one. I have a spot for it already.

    Splendid Willow said...

    Sharalee, I have been a terrible blog friend this summer, but now I am back -- and your blog is the first I visit! And as usual I know that I won't be dissapointed.

    What a beautiful home! You know how I love to mix old with new. and Karen does it beautifully. And that end table --- I might just need to copy that idea.

    Whether you like it or not, you will see a lot more of me -- starting now!

    Love to you, Mon


    Very nice. I like the mix of woods and gold going on.