
    Monday, August 2, 2010

    Happy August!

    ... and happy long weekend to all of you here in Canada!

    Around this time of year, it starts to feel like summer just might go on forever (and if it did, that would suit me just fine!) However, we all know that soon enough it will start to fade away and we can notice even now, days are getting a little shorter and there's a crispness in the night breeze. So here's to savouring every last delicious moment spent outside enjoying the summer sunshine.

    {Photos: Donja Pitsch, discovered at dress, design, decor}



    Happy Long weekend to you,sweetie!!!
    Ahhh I want summer to stay for long...I love the sun this year:) Great images,sweetie:)

    Happy Monday and see you soon:)


    Thanks Diana - don't you just wish it would go on forever!! Hope your week's off to a great start


    Great photos! :)


    Oh how I wish this long weekend wasn't over quite yet! I'm not ready for the last month of summer...


    Yes I know that feeling (though not right now because Sydney sucks - it's grey, wet and so cold..)
    As much as I love (!) Summer and the relaxed, casual, carefree pleasures that come with it, I usually start longing for Autumn and the structure and routines it brings. I love the early days after Summer has ended. The tan still feels fresh, you're still energized and relaxed and full of inspiration to tackle new tasks and adventures.

    Enjoy whilst it lasts. Then send the sun here to us in Australia please..

    xx Charlotta