
    Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    Shell House

    During my recent stay in New York, I was able to indulge my love for older buildings and classic architectural features. While I am always drawn to rich ornate details, every so often a striking modern piece will catch my eye and my remind me how much I love the smooth, clean lines and the creative style of modern design. The Shell House by Artechnic was definitely one of those fascinating creations. While so much of modern design design consists of linear shapes and pin straight lines, this one is all curves. While often modernist homes can come across as harsh and cold, this one has a natural, organic feeling.

    One of my favourite features - they built the entire home around a single tree, giving it a seamless blend of indoors and out.

    The home is completely flooded in light from all the large windows and also take away the barrier between you and the outdoors.

    {All photos: Artechnic Japan, discovered at lace & tea}



    Really beautiful! :)


    Such a magical place...The shapes are amazing:)Great find,sweetie:)



    Wow. That's really pretty.


    that house is pretty amazing. and i don't even really like this type of modern architecture typically!


    LOVE the bathroom... so chic!


    You always find the most amazing things. First the Target bike, then the rocking Vespa, and now this. Man, you are so amazing!


    wow, what a great piece of architecture! thx for sharing!


    Lol - DB, this is the best comment ! Right back at ya...


    This house rocks. Kinda makes me feel like i'm spinning when i look at the pics. Yes? Or i'm wierd?!