
    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    A book review: 27 Things to Feng Shui Your Home by Tisha Morris

    - is just a small, slim journal with an all brown cover and plain text, but once you turn the first pages you'll feel you've discovered a real gem. Based in the art of Feng Shui, the book works from the ancient Chinese proverb "If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home." That didn't sound too difficult, I probably think of at least 27 things to clear off my desk to start. But this proverb speaks to something I've felt strongly about for quite some time - that our homes and the spaces we surround ourselves with, can be a mirror to our inner selves and can have a powerful connection with emotions.

    One of the big issues that faces so many of us today is the prevalence of constant clutter. With so much visual and mental stimuli, we're constantly on the go and often left feeling frazzled, full of mental 'clutter' and ultimately, quite stressed. The focus in Feng Shui on 'space clearing' is intended to help clear or negative or stagnant energy. I've definitely experienced the feeling of deep satisfaction achieved from sorting through a room, or even a drawer in my own home; clearing out those useless little bits that clutter up your space, and leaving only objects that are either beautiful or useful. With clutter under control, Tisha shows you how to incorporate light, colour and simple objects that will help to increase the flow of positive energy in your space.

    Often the task of transforming a space can be quite daunting, so Tisha's broken it down into 27 simple steps as well as a plan to help you implement the plan. With tasks such as hanging a vision board, making your bedroom a sanctuary, painting your front door or transforming your least favourite room of the home into your favourite, you can choose to go through all 27 steps or just a few, but you are guaranteed to feel a positive effect with each step.

    Unlike so many Feng Shui guides, rather than having a strict formula or presciption, Tisha's goal is to help you achieve a space that reflects you and makes you feel good to be in. Her very down to earth and practical approach that puts you at ease and doesn't feel too hokey or regimented. Each chapter is only a few pages so you'll be surprised how quickly the pages breeze past during a quite moment reading at home, or as a perfect companion to quickly enjoy during a commute.

    I would definitely recommend this as an enjoyable read and a great little guide on making your home a happier space to be you. You can and be sure to visit Tisha's website for more information or to inquire about a personal consultation.

    {Images: 1,2  MindBodyOm ; 3-Living Etc; 4- Kelly Hoppen}



    I so love this book.Love the idea for making your home more comfortable and more relaxing:)
    I am so going to get this one:) Thanks so much:)

    Kisses, my dear


    sounds like a book i should definitely check out. de-cluttering my home is often on my to-do list.


    It definitely is worth checking out! I'm often put off by the rigid formality of traditional feng shui book, but this one has a much softer approach (maybe because she's also a designer?) and such practical advice.


    Hmmm loved this post! I need to go chk out that book:-) Could use some changes around the house!

    Tisha Morris said...

    Thanks for reviewing my book! You really summed it up perfectly -- "an unassuming little book." Thanks for capturing its essence. It really will change your life!


    Love that last image. x

    Laura said...

    I picked this book up when it first came out and all I'm saying is that after I moved things around in the house and cleared all the clutter, I got a promotion and my husband--who had recently been laid off--got an awesome new job.

    Could easily be a co-ink-idink but for me the proverb at the beginning sums it up: "If you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home."


    Could definitely use some de-cluttering! Good find!


    Tisha - so happy to hear you approve of the review. Thank you for writing such a thoughtful + inspiring guide!

    Laura- what an amazing story! Now I'm extra inspired to finish organizing my office!


    Very good Feng Shui Tips. Thank you


    This book would be right up my alley!!

    Anna @ Around My Table said...

    What a lovely recommendation! Thanks a lot for that! I was looking for a good book on feng shui for some time.