
    Monday, August 23, 2010

    Hello Monday ...

    ... and a big congratulations to Emily,the new Design Star!

    Here's a peak at her own home office... a beautiful blend of vintage and modern that we've come to expect from her work on the show. See more of her work space here.
    Just love that tufted navy velvet!

    Monday kind of crept up on me this week. Feeling simultaneously inspired and overwhelmed by my huge 'To-do' list. This deliciously grey and overcast morning has me inspired to get alot of work done indoors. And miss being in England. And drink lots of tea. (Way too much tea!)

    Hope your week's off to a great start everyone!

    P.S. Read the charmingly adorable + completely talented Emily's blog here.


    Kate {domestikatedlife} said...

    So happy she won, she has such good taste. That office being a testament to such taste!


    Mmmm I think im going to make a cup of tea... I drank waaaay to much as well when I was in Scotland, everyone offers you tea after tea there! lol... Have a lovely Monday. Hope our weather clears up! Although it'll be cozy for relaxing tonight...


    I have a huge to do list how about before it all we both have a cup of tea? hahaha...Sound good:)

    I adore the navy velvet too and I cant wait to read Emily's blog:)



    Kate - me too! Her work is stunning, and she seems so sweet to boot!

    A nice little virtual date -tea for three then, sounds perfect! Hope you're all enjoying a cozy afternoon!

    Daniella I think the Scottish tea fixation is derived from so many afternoons just like this!


    Love that blue chair!