
    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Bloggers' Night Out at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

    Was so excited to attend the first Bloggers' Night Out at the Martha Stewart Headquarters this past Thursday evening. Walking through Martha's offices, they were exactly what you'd expect them to be - aisles of cubicles with big inspiration boards and magazine mock ups. Big windows looking into rooms filled with crafting materials- baskets and vases and tiles -all organized in carefully labelled bins for future projects, glass enclosed book cased filled with design and recipe books - a wonderful world of buzzing creativity.

    I was so curious to see what a real life party would actually be like. Like so many, I'm always hyper-critical of my own meals, crafts and events, constantly thinking - 'Martha would have done it better!'  Unfortunately, I have to report that we were right - Martha's party was planned to perfection. Multiple stations kept people moving and socializing throughout the room with interesting and interactive things to see and try at each stop, and trays laden with yummy snacks and drinks were in constant circulation.

    Unfortunately, the initial plans for a roof deck party had to be cancelled and the party was moved indoors. The indoor party site had a stunning city view and was bright, airy and open. When we arrived upstairs, Martha was in the middle of an intense ping pong battle with Kevin Sharkey (pictured below). While she had to rush away to another occasion, she was a consummate hostess, giving us all a very warm welcome and sharing some stories before leaving us in the very capable hands of her fantastic creative team.

    Here's a little peak inside the party:

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    Martha and Kevin Sharkey (her executive editorial director of decorating) whose stunning New York apartment is featured in the new issue of Martha Stewart Living.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    The corner (with more delicious treats) by Martha Stewart's Executive Food Director Lucinda Scala Quinn for her book Mad Hungry: Feeding Men & Boys. Look out for her new TV series of the same name, launching this Fall on the Hallmark channel.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    So refreshing on a hot summer evening - delicious Honeydew Agua Fresca (get the recipe on pg 56 of the current issue of Everyday Food.)

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    A favourite station - S'mores, by Everyday Food.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out

    A beautiful butterfly spread from the new Martha Stewart for Sandals wedding collection.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    A delicious array of treats from One Girl Cookies. My favourite - the lemon cookies.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    The craft table - full of glittery, and paper cut out madness!

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    Me (above), getting a little crafty with the paper punches. Check out my new bling from Wendy The Pipe Cleaner Lady (below), who made us all 'diamond' rings.

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    Wendy, The Pipe Cleaner Lady :)

    Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Bloggers' Night Out
    Judging by all the smiles and laughter, I can pretty safely say that a really lovely time was had by all. At the close of the evening, with party bags filled with magazines, crafting supplies and fun little treats, we all headed out into the New York night with savouring the memories of brand new friendships and a most splendid event.

    A big thank you to Martha and everyone at MSLO who made this event so special!



    Love the pics! You look gorgeous as always! :) What a fun night!

    LuxuriousLife said...

    I would love to part of an event like that!! How much fun that must have been. Did you meet Martha?


    Thanks for sharing! Looks like a really cool event.


    This has got to be the coolest event ever! So amazing and I am seriously in awe. Hats off to you for being there! Incredible!


    Did you just fly in for the party, you jetsetter, you? ;) Next time, travel a little farther South and visit us in Atlanta! It looks like it was a really fun night.


    It lookas like such a fun party! especially in the hands of Martha....perfection.
    I was riding my bike to day along her fabulous estate in Katonah. What a life!!!


    Looks like it was a great event, filled with inspiration!
    Velvet Cupcakes


    Oh, you look lovely! I can only imagine how much fun you must have had -- thanks for sharing the event with us :)



    Looks like it was an amazing evening and event! Love the cupcakes!

    M Felix said...

    The party looks wonderful!

    And you looked smashing.

    Got to love the Martha Stewart punches. I used them for my wedding!

    Stephy P. said...

    Wow, wow, wow!!! The party looks like it was amazing! I am supremely envious of you right now :p I absolutely love the shirt you wore too-you looked fantastic! xx


    Lucky you, getting to attend the event. Looks like you guys had a fun time.


    how fun it must have been to be there! lucky you.


    Looks like it was a great event! Thank you for sharing it with us. Wish you a great new week.



    What a fun event! Those smores do look so yummy. Thanks for sharing pics w/ us :)

    Kate said...

    This event looked like so much fun! Glad that you posted for those of us who couldn't attend :)


    looks like so much fun!!! xo


    That looks like such a cool and fun event:) Kisses,sweetie

    MelB said...

    What an amazing opportunity! I bet you left with a ton of fantastic ideas! So cool!


    Now that looks like fun!!!

    Shannon Echlin said...

    Amazing and great pictures!!!! Looks exactly like what a Martha party should!