
    Saturday, December 19, 2009

    A golden glow...

    While the days may still be getting shorter and darker, everywhere you look the whole world seems to be basked in a golden glow. From the warm little embers of twinkling holiday lights adorning homes to the little bubbles of sparkling light coming through champagne flutes, and
    of course - candles, candles everywhere - nothing seems more inviting on a cold night than
    a warm golden glow.

    Very warmest wishes to you - wherever you find yourself,

    hope your heart is filled with the hope and joy of the season! Hope you find yourself in moments where you're surprised by unexpected thoughtfulness, unwinding and laughing till your cheeks glow with old friends and new, sharing a delicious meal by candlelight and reaching out to capture the warmth and love that surrounds you.

    {Photos: 1- Tumblr via SimplySeductive, 2- viaHerNamewasLola, 3- viaThisisGlamorous}



    I love that last picture!


    Hope you're warm and cozy!