
    Thursday, December 31, 2009

    Paris in the snow

    I love Paris in the springtime,
    I love Paris in the snow...

    Completely smitten with these dreamy images of a snow covered Paris magically transformed into a winter wonderland, taken by Alix, The Cherry Blossom Girl, who always inspires me (and makes me jealous :) ) with her French fashion savvy and dreamy photography.
    Take a few moments to enjoy a little snow covered bliss...

    ... sending you some New Year's magic!

    {Allphotos: TheCherryBlossomGirl}
    Daniella from Dress, Design, Decor also posted on this beautiful set, see her favourites here.



    oh these photos are so dreamy. makes me want to hop on a plane right now.


    My fiance and I were just there in the fall, and its fun to see the same places as a winter wonderland. Happy new year!


    Happy New Years to you darling!

    Thanks for sharing these pretty images -- it makes me miss France so much...

    Wishing you a wonderful night and a great 2010! I can't wait to see what you have in store...

    {xo} Sarah


    Bonjour and bonne année,

    I adore this post, the photos are enchanting ~ I wish I were in them!

    My husbad took me to Paris to celebrate my birthday during the fall and we look forward to returning as soon as possible. I believe it's the most beautiful city in the world ♥

    xoxo, B


    Hey! Thanks for the link love! Hope your holiday went well... so obsessed with these pretty pics...


    all i can say is, "ahhhh"! How breathtaking are these darling images?! I would love to put them on my blog, too. I will definitely give Alix the credit! Thank you for the devine post! XOXO Stacy Mayer