
    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Happy December + A very sweet give-away!

    I can't believe how quickly time has flown by - and already December is here, finally you can eat that first chocolate in your advent calendar and the count down for Christmas begins!

    To help get you in the festive spirit, we've organized the sweetest give-away yet - a dozen little pieces of heaven otherwise known as Desmond and Beatrice cupcakes.

    You may remember these delightful little treats from my wedding where they completely stole the show a few months back. Now you can enjoy your very own - with one dozen Desmond and Beatrice cupcakes, made fresh and delivered right to your door!

    To enter, visit Desmond & Beatrice then leave a comment below and let us know what your favourite holiday treats are.

    {Unfortunately, this give-away is open to Canadian residents only. The winner will be randomly selected and announced here on Tuesday, December 8th. If you do not have a blog, please leave your email address with your comment so that we can contact you.
    Post this give-away on your blog or twitter for an extra chance to win!}

    Good luck + a very happy first of December to everyone!


    Maria Felix said...

    Everything looks delicious! I've had the cupcakes and they are divine.

    I would love some Black and White or even just some corn bread :)


    Too bad! great giveaway :)


    Thank you for introducing me to Desmond & the cookie monster quotations and the coconut cupcakes!


    oh, too bad I don't live in Canada. These look absolutely delicious. And I love the big snowball and pink dress too :)


    Oh yay! Count me in... they look delicious! I'm a serious cupcake person, a friend and I always make them when were together. The coconut one looks yummy! My fav holiday treats are whipped shortbread, mint/orange chocolate... and cupcakes of course.

    Tweeting your giveaway too!


    Oh Man! My mouth was watering too but I live is in the USA :(

    Good luck to my northern friends though!
    Paula Grace


    I'm totally going to ignore my diet and enter this amazing giveaway. The red velvet cupcakes are calling to me!


    They look delicious. My boyfriend is quite the cupcake connoisseur, I'm sure he would love to try one :)

    This is my first time commenting, just wanted to say great site. I read it every day!


    This is such a delicious giveaway! :)

    My favs are the cupcakes and whipped shortbread*


    Shannon Echlin said...

    I remember these. I put a bunch of them in my bag and took them home like a crazy old lady stealing dinner rolls :)

    Andrea said...

    What a sweet giveaway...Anything with buttercream frosting works for me.


    thanks for your kind words. x

    oh yay! a canadian giveaway.

    my favourite holiday treats are decorated christmas yummy + pretty at the same time!


    Hmm cupcakes! nothing better to toast off the festive season with a delicious little treat!


    I actually live in Tasmania, Australia - but have a good friend who lives in Canada. So I'm entering for her. She has two little girls and a bit of a sweet tooth herself, so I think the Red Velvet Cupcakes would be the ultimate surprise.


    I love cupcakes! They are for sure in my top list of favourite holiday treats, along with: Candy canes, cinnamon coffee cake (which we have to breakfast every Christmas morning), homemade cookies, spiced cider, and hot chocolate!

    In this particular case however, I would pick the coconut cupcakes! It looks like there is snow on the top!


    Yay! Something for Canadians! :)

    My fave holiday treat is shortbread. With lots of sugar on top!

    Moe! said...

    Hey what's up. You are the last Christink I have yet to meet. Aside from papa Christink! Lindsay told me to check out your blog because of your awesome interior styling skills. That and because I have a passion for cupcakes...Peace!


    Oooo free cupcakes! Count me in! Great looking blog!


    Hey loving the blog! Cup cakes are a great shout! The black and white dozen sound prime!